THE BEST DRESSED PERSON IN TOWN There is a popular saying that, - TopicsExpress


THE BEST DRESSED PERSON IN TOWN There is a popular saying that, “The clothes make the man.” In other words, your garments say a lot about you. Our world places a lot of emphasis on external appearances. In fact, every year, certain groups gather to discuss who the best-dressed man and woman are. A couple of years ago, actress Catherine Zeta-Jones was named best-dressed woman and news anchor Matt Lauer was named best-dressed man. Around the same period, the U.S. Senate also decided that Hillary Rodham Clinton was the best-dressed member of their number. While the world may concern itself with what a man wears on the outside, God is far more concerned with what a person wears on the inside, 1 Sam. 16:7. From Gods perspectives, the best-dressed person in town today many not be that fellow wearing an Armani suit or a Donna Karan dress. He may not the one wearing the most expensive Italian suit. She may not even be the one wearing that diamond-encrusted multi-million dollar dress. Some people, even though they are always smartly and impeccably dressed physically speaking, are spiritually dressed in the STAINED GARMENTS OF SIN. An example is found in Zechariah 3 v 3 in which Joshua the High Priest stood before the Lord in “filthy” garments. He was dressed in dirty, filthy rags. HE IS A PICTURE OF EVERY PERSON WHO IS LOST IN SIN, NO MATTER HOW RELIGIOUS THEY MAY BE!!!. The Bible tells us that OUR OWN GOODNESS OR THE CLOTHING OF YOUR SOUL IF YOU WILL, is nothing more than the filthiest of rags, Isa. 64:6. Still some others are dressed in the FILTHY GARMENTS OF SELF-RIGHTEOUSNESS. Such people have turned to religion and good works in a vain attempt to ensure clean living and enter heaven on their own terms. The problem is that religion and good works MERELY TREAT THE SYMPTOMS AND NOT THE PROBLEM!!!. THE PROBLEM IS NOT WHAT A MAN DOES BUT WHAT HE IS!!! MAN IS A HARDENED, UNREPENTANT SINNER, AND NO AMOUNT OF CLEANSING ON THE OUTSIDE WILL FIX THE PROBLEM OF SIN IN A SINNERS HEART. In fact, Jesus indicated that there were problems that came along with a man trying to clean up his own life, Matt. 12:43-45. THERE IS NO WAY OUR FLESH CAN SUSTAIN CLEAN LIVING. EVEN IF IT COULD, IT COULD NEVER ERASE THE STAIN OF SIN IN A MANS LIFE AND IT IS THAT STAIN OF SIN THAT MAKES A MAN UNACCEPTABLE TO GOD!!!. THERE IS ONLY ONE REMEDY AND THAT IS SALVATION THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST!!!,(Titus 3:5; Acts 16:31; Rom. 10:9; John 3:16; John 14:6). THE NECESSARY CHANGE TO OUR LIVES CANNOT BE PRODUCED FROM WITHIN AND BY OUR OWN EFFORTS. IT MUST BE PRODUCED FROM ABOVE!!!. (John 3:3, 7; Eph. 2:8-9.). What the adherents of religion dont seem to understand is that they just have to do things Gods way. For example, God said salvation could only be gotten through Jesus Christ. Religionists are saying that cannot be right; that Jesus is only a prophet and not the son of God, they argue. How can God have a Son, does He have a wife? They proceed to query further. By so doing, they use the limited wisdom God has graciously given them to serve Him, to now question the wisdom and the mysteries of God!!!. That is why religion is so very destructive to a mans soul. However, those who abandon religion, and humbly come to God His way and on His terms will obtain salvation and also receive the cleansing their souls so desperately need, Isa. 1:18. My religious, self-righteous and sin-laden friend, if you have been trying to be a good person to please the Lord, YOU MIGHT AS WELL STOP!!!! YOU ARE JUST WASTING YOUR PRECIOUS TIME!!! YOU WILL NEVER DO IT!!!. JESUS CHRIST HAS ALREADY PLEASED GOD FOR US, 1 John 2 v 2; Isaiah 53 v 11. If you will only trust Him for your soul’s salvation, HE WILL MAKE YOU PLEASING IN THE SIGHT OF GOD. IT ISNT BEING GOOD THAT GETS A PERSON TO HEAVEN. IT IS BEING SAVED THROUGH JESUS CHRIST!!!. To conclude, who then is the best dressed person in town? He or She is that one WHO IS SAVED BY THE GRACE OF GOD, THROUGH THE BLOOD OF JESUS AND WEARING THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF CHRIST JESUS. Jesus shared a parable in Matthew 22:1-14 that warrants our attention. This parable speaks to the notion that a person must be properly attired to enter the presence of the Lord and to be accepted by Him. Ponder on this : When the Heaven’s list of the best-dressed people is updated, will your name be on that list? Friend, what kind of garments is your soul clothed in today? IF YOU CANNOT HONESTLY SAY THAT YOU ARE SAVED BY GRACE, WASHED IN THE BLOOD OF JESUS, CLOTHED IN THE RIGHTEOUSNESS OF JESUS CHRIST AND HEADED FOR HEAVEN, YOU NEED TO COME TO THE LORD JESUS NOW AND BE SAVED. WILL YOU DO IT NOW BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE? - Paul Ola/Alan Carr
Posted on: Sat, 08 Feb 2014 15:36:40 +0000

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