THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU WILL EVER MAKE... Ive been reading - TopicsExpress


THE BEST INVESTMENT YOU WILL EVER MAKE... Ive been reading personal development books since I was 21 years old. Its been YEARS of reprogramming my mind, so that I can start believing in myself even when the voice living inside my head might tell me otherwise. Garbage In = Garbage Out Knowledge In = Knowledge Out As entrepreneurs, the BEST investment we could ever make is OURSELVES. Ive read HUNDREDS of personal development books. Self help books, sales books, public speaking books, you name it. Ive listened to HUNDREDS of audiobooks, many of them over and over and over again. We are talking THOUSANDS of hours just from that alone. For instance, I downloaded the 10X Rule audiobook on iTunes, read by the author himself, Grant Cardone. And Ive listened to that audiobook completely, about 20x now. There was an entire month where I just had it going in the background on repeat, 24x7! Why? Because I know that wisdom comes from 2 places. Mistakes and Mentors. And I know that the less mistakes that I make, the shorter my learning curve will be, and the more staying power I will have in this game. I need all the help I can get! And I INVEST in that help! And I take it seriously. All I can do is be a testimony for others, and teach them what I have learned along the way. Its up to each one of us to create the results that we deserve to have in our lives. Its up to YOU to create the results you deserve. Everyone else is just a tour guide on your journey. Are they guiding you down the right path? Or are they filling your mind with garbage? Including that voice inside your own mind... Im here to share with you the POWER of what can happen when you start filling your mind with knowledge, from mentors who are already down the path that you are traveling, and have the results that you are looking to achieve. In every area of your life. Marriage, Finances, Spirituality, you name it. The information is out there. Get after it. But when it presents itself to you, make sure that you Take Massive Action to capitalize on it!!!
Posted on: Tue, 13 May 2014 23:52:15 +0000

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