THE BEST OF 2012: During the time when I made this long ago, I - TopicsExpress


THE BEST OF 2012: During the time when I made this long ago, I wasnt able to see Zero Dark Thirty since it’s only in Los Angeles and New York (wide-release January 11, 2013). Afterwards, I caught a screening of it and it was glorious. I’ve screened every triple-A, wide-released and mainstream film available that year, adding to a total of 135 films! It was that time once again and my distinct pleasure to present to you the best films of what 2012 had to offer along with The Top 5. Enjoy and let the debating begin! The Hunger Games Dreading this would turn out to be another twilight series, instead becoming a unique and engaging film that took me by surprise. Winner: Best Actress- Jennifer Lawrence (Along with Silver Linings Playbook) Life of Pi Despite the first act being a little slow, the rest of the film easily made up for it by delivering a cinematic, emotional and beautiful journey I won’t soon forget. Winner: Best Visual Effects, Best 3-D Rise of the Guardians The holiday animated version of The Avengers, which unites all of the beloved holiday individuals and adds a unique and clever twist to all of their personalities and traits. What a visual spectacle! It’s too bad this didn’t catch on a lot more that it should of. End of Watch Unlike most cop buddy films trends towards Hollywood fashion, End of Watch is the best and most realistic police movies to be released in recent years. Silver Linings Playbook Adorable, authentic and passionately sufficient, this is a great portrayal of following the lives of people with behavior disorders and the positive/negative aspects that follows. Winner: Best Actress- Jennifer Lawrence (Along with The Hunger Games) Seven Psychopaths Martin McDonagh’s follow up to In Bruges is a smart, witty, clever and unpredictable thrill ride. Sam Rockwell’s never been better and is the scene-stealer of this film. Winner: Best Screenplay-Martin McDonagh, Best Comedy, Most Underappreciated- $15 Million, Best Supporting Actor- Sam Rockwell (Tied with Javier Bardem) Chronicle Of all the plethora of bad handheld found footage films, Chronicle took an amazing concept and executed it not only brilliantly, but does justice and its the best film ever made in the genre. Zero Dark Thirty Kathryn Bigelows follow up to her masterpiece, The Hurt Locker, is another film which can be claimed just that. The 10 year hunt of the biggest known terrorist in the world is deeply engaging and handed well under Bigelows supervision. Django Unchained Quentin Tarantino’s back in the greatest form by delivering a spaghetti western with awesome attitude and style. Besides Pulp Fiction, this is my favorite Tarantino film ever! THE ELITE TOP 5 BEST! 5. Wreck-It Ralph Out of all the god awful video game movies (especially to you Resident Evil: Retribution), there’s finally a film which pays homage to the video game genre while blending in as a clever and original spectacle. I’m praying they’ll make a franchise out of this for it’s the best animated film in years and the Toy Story of our generation. Winner: Best Animated Film 4. Argo Gone Baby Gone, The Town and now this thrilling masterpiece, Ben Affleck proves he is no joke and a force to be reckoned with in filmmaking. Argo is a film that’s mandatory to see for his exhilarating and comedy elements as well as its historical and educational significance. Since I’m indifferent towards the Golden Globes and Academy Awards, I’ll be rooting towards Argo for Best Picture and Affleck for Best Director because this film well deserves it. 3. (Tie) The Avengers & The Cabin in the Woods The Avengers was assembled perfectly and manage with time, patience and effort. The Cabin in the Woods is the most original, unique, well-crafted and brilliant films in years! Both of these projects involved filmmaker Joss Whedon and talented star Chris Hemsworth. What an awesome coincidence and a great year for the both of them! Winner: Best Action Scene- NYC Battle, Best Ensemble Cast, Best Character-Mark Ruffalo as Dr. Bruce Banner/Hulk (The Avengers) Winner: Biggest Surprise, Most Unpredictable, Best Horror Film (The Cabin in the Woods) It boiled down to these final two, which out of 135 films I’ve scene total are the only two films I’ve given a 10/10 this year! Either one of these two films has every right to be declared and known as the best film of 2012. Even though I did have a tie for 3rd, it’s never an option to determine what should be #1 since only one shall rule them all. My very close runner-up goes to… 2. Skyfall There are 23 bond films, spanning 50 years in the franchise and I’m happy to say this is without question the best James Bond film ever made starring the best Bond yet with Daniel Craig. With the inspiration of The Dark Knight, Sam Mendes aims towards a new direction by presenting dark, intense, and realistic tone with the addition of phenomenal set-pieces. My goodness does it pay off in spades! Winner: Best Action Film, Best Cinematography- Roger Deakins, Best Supporting Actor-Javier Bardem(Tied with Sam Rockwell), Best Intro, Best Song- Adele “Skyfall” And Now, The Winner for the Best Motion Picture of 2012 Goes To… 1. The Dark Knight Rises For the 5th time, a film made by Christopher Nolan is my favorite film of the year (Memento, Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and Inception). It’s been many years since a film literally left me spent and overwhelmed with satisfying emotion. Rises ranks among Toy Story 3 and Return of the Jedi for having the very best conclusion to arguably the greatest film trilogy in history. From a personal standpoint, I thank you Mr. Nolan for reviving and closing the Batman franchise in the best epic fashion. I greatly anticipate what your next project will be. Winner: Best Picture, Best Director-Christopher Nolan, Best Supporting Actress-Anne Hathaway (Along with Les Miserables), Best Musical Score- Hans Zimmer, Best Ending Best Actor Daniel Day Lewis- Lincoln Best Supporting Actress Anne Hathaway- Les Miserables (Along with The Dark Knight Rises) Most Underrated Snow White and the Huntsman- 50% Rotten Tomatoes
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 17:05:21 +0000

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