THE BEST YOU CAN DO October 3rd, 2013 J CosgroveShare this devo - TopicsExpress


THE BEST YOU CAN DO October 3rd, 2013 J CosgroveShare this devo on Facebook and Twitter: In times of trouble, do this first. powertochange/blogposts/2013/10/03/the-best-you-can-do/ #LifeDevo“Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” (James 5:16) Mary wrung her hands, overburdened with grief and guilt. She’d fallen asleep with a candle burning. The next-door neighbor smelled smoke and called for help. The fireman carried Mary out in time, but the house burned to the ground. “How could I have been so stupid?” Mary sobbed. Neighbors gathered in a huddle on the curb. “What can we do for her?” I have heard it said we are not really human beings. Instead, we are human doings. We want to “do” something. We want to take action, to make it all better. But often, we are at a loss of how we can help. So, we pray, hoping that then God will do something. Lifting each other in prayer is the best thing we can do. It is an action that calls the holy into our midst. We yield to God to intervene, to heal, or to comfort in a way only He can (which may be through us or some other means). This is called intercession and is, as James 5:16 states, both “powerful and effective”. Dearest Lord, let me never fall into the doing trap when I see a friend in need. Teach me to first bend a knee to You and seek Your guidance and strength, because handing a friend over into Your loving care is the very best way I can help. Amen. ACTION STEP The next time you feel helpless to do something for someone, remember that praying for or with that person is the first action you should take. God may then show you exactly what you can do for them. Today, ask God to show you someone you can pray for.
Posted on: Tue, 08 Oct 2013 07:04:39 +0000

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