**THE BETRAYAL** (EPISODE 30) ............. Well nothing - TopicsExpress


**THE BETRAYAL** (EPISODE 30) ............. Well nothing happened that evening, I later on Left to Lyndas room! “Dave is a devil” Lynda cried as i helped her sit up, “i will report him to sch security and the police” i assured her, she disagreed “Don’t worry abt me just go to ur room i want to be left alone” she added sorrowfully, “why, u are yet to regain ur strength, i’m not going anywhere” i replied with a heavy heart, but she calmly pushed me away. “cyndii please just go with ur friend, trust me i’m okay” she assured with red eyes. I shrugged with resignation, stood up n dragged Amara with me as i quietly left her room. My legs shook as i walked out from Lynda’s room that evening, while my heart wept as if i was the one who recieved the beating. Surely i was very downcast with a guilty feeling because i knew i caused the whole fight by being in her room that evening. “do you believe that Chuks is a cultist?” Amara suddenly asked. “i seriously don’t know dear, life itself is a mystery” i calmly replied. Even though i was shocked when i heard Dave’s revelation on Chuk’s involvement in cultism, i wasn’t entirely surprised becos i really never liked him for once but just tolerated him because of my friend, perhaps that was why i easily believed Dave’s revelation even though i clearly hid my feelings from her, because i really didn’t have the strength to take on another scene… “i will confront him tonight” she muttered quietly, “good but be diplomatic when doing that” i advised. She said no other word and left for her room…. I barely had settled in my room, when Benjamin’s knock shook and woke me from my thoughts, “please dear i’ll like to be left alone” i pleaded when i opened my door. He stared at me with surprise but i looked away and avoided his gaze. “hope you are okay?” he asked, “yea but please let me be for now, i’ll come over to your room later” i pleaded. He stared at me for a while, shrugged and left without further questions, even though i knew his mind must be filled with questions that very moment. Sometimes guys always mis-interprete or don’t understand when we beg to be left alone, most of them however do oblige us with doubts and suspicion in their mind. #Mosttimes when we girls go through a painful experience which we prefer not to share with anyone, we do like keeping to ourselves and having a boyfriend around always spoils the whole thing because of their inquisitive nature. #Nomatterhow much we love a guy, there are still some secrets we do keep away from them. My heart soon leapt when i heard som1 knock on my door {Dave’s usual pattern} which left me stunned, speechless n indecisive as i contemplated whether to answer {open} my door or not “what is it again?” i coldly asked Dave when i finally opened my door , and Benjamin whom I also knew heard the noise, i really had no choice than to open my door n face the devil. “what took u so long?” he asked with a smile, expertly avoiding the question i asked him. “what do u want?” i asked again, while my right hand strongly held my door knob, for easy closing of my door incase he tried anything silly. “c’mon baby y the angry look?” he asked with a composed smile. I boiled inside as i stared at him with hatred, “how can he appear, so calm, well composed n lively after all he just did?” i wondered angrily. “anyway since u don’t want to talk to me, let me go ahead n say what brought me to ur room” he added calmly. “i came to apologize because of what happened this evening in Lynda’s room n i truly did what i did just to prove to u that there is nothing going on b/n Lynda n i anymore even though i do regret hitting her so hard” he tried to explain, but his explanation n apology only got on me angry. “u didn’t just hit the poor girl hard, u also tried to kill her, and never u say that u did such a stupid thing to prove ur nonsense love to me, i never sent u on such errand, so just leave me alone please” i bravely barked at him. His eyes instantly lit up in anger for a while b4 dying down again. “so i lost Lynda 4 nothing?” he asked, “cyndii please don’t turn me into a wretch because u won’t like it” he muttered with a dirty smile “are you threatening me??” i asked nervously. He just smiled n walked away, leaving me in great fear, suspence and wonder. Truly Dave knows how to leave a lasting impression on anyone he targets n as he walked away that fateful evening i was left in deep thought as i tried to figure out what he meant by being left a wretch…. I locked my door showered n rushed back into Ben’s room, deeply shaken and scared to my bones. All i needed that moment was his soothing words n caresses to calm my nerves n a decent s*x?? to bring my broken spirit back to life. “baby hope u are okay?” he asked as soon as i landed on his body. STORY CONTINUES What are your impression so far.? Question: dave threatens cyndii,hmmn,wat do u think?
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 11:58:10 +0000

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