**THE BETRAYAL** (EPISODE 56) ......I froze in shock as i - TopicsExpress


**THE BETRAYAL** (EPISODE 56) ......I froze in shock as i stared at him, got hold of myself, looked away and ran past him to my room, but he surprisingly came after me, catching up with me as i stopped to unlock my door. “happy sunday Cyndii” he greeted politely, “Hello Benjamin” i murmured nervously. He breathed deeply, drew close and studied me silently. Luckily, i managed to open my door that moment, and rushed into my room without another word. He however joined me in my room, throwing me into great tension with his undesirable behaviour. He really was the last person i expected to see or talk to that moment and I equally was extremely ashamed that he saw me in a very terrible condition. My heart pounded furiously as i fell face first on my bed, backing him rudely, and praying silently for him to leave, but my prayers weren’t answered. He simply stood calmly, and waited for me to get hold of myself. “please let me be, i’m not myself please” i finally heard myself say to him. “you look very troubled, dejected, broken and lost, what is happening to you?” he asked curiously. I bit my lips and sighed deeply, “Ben please leave me alone, i’m very tired and weak” i murmured, sat up and faced him with a coloured face. His eyes melted as he looked into mine, he came forward and squatted by my side, “did he hurt you again?, tell me, what did he do to you? I see pain and unhappiness in your eyes?” he asked searchingly, making me blush and look away. I was extremely embarrassed and ashamed. “why should you care, please leave” i said to him, but he calmly shook his head and held my hands, “old things has come to pass my dear, this is new year and ‘A New Year Brings a New Beginning’, so don’t worry about the past, you can still count on me for anything” he sweetly said, while i looked into his eyes and saw hope. The only thing missing that moment was a soap opera music. .....My heart pounded furiously as i tried to say something, I opened my mouth but no word came out. I swallowed hard and looked away, deeply embarrassed and confused. “Cyndii” Benjamin called my name softly, breaking my heart and flogging my soul with his voice. He really behaved like a good christian, very forgiving and caring, making my conscience flog and bite me without mercy. The way he offered his help totally broke me into two, i really couldn’t believe he was ready to help after how i betrayed and dumped him the previous year. “I don’t deserve your help, sympathy or anything, please just go, i beg of you” I finally managed to mutter, shaking and surprising him with my outburst. “you are too proud and it isn’t good for a girl” he said with a very sad face. I breathed deeply and touched his left cheek, “you are a very nice guy who deserves something better. Seriously each time i look at you, my conscience hurts because i instantly remember all the bad things i did to you, so accepting anything from you will kill me, please just let me be, moreover i’m not in any terrible situation that needs help, believe me” I explained calmly. He bit his lips and stood up. “I broke my pride and most importantly i did what every guy will frown upon, by coming back to see you, but it’s okay” he murmured regretably. “oh no Benjamin don’t say that” I cried, stood up and hugged him tightly, “you are a very nice guy and i know God will repay you somehow” I prayed, “We don’t choose who we fall in love with, it’s something that happens without influence, and when it happens we leave everything just to follow our heart. Sometimes we end up with the wrong person, but believe me that’s it” I poured out as i held him tightly, “and what happens to a guy who falls in love with a girl who happens to love another?” he asked, “seriously i can’t answer that” i murmured with a heavy heart. “i wronged you, i scammed your family and broke their trust. I’ll be at your family house next saturday to apologize and seek forgiveness from your family” i heard myself say. He instantly broke away from me, stared into my eyes and rubbed his face with his palms. “will you actually do that?” he asked curiously, “of course i will, moreover it’s the only way i can atone for my sins and be free from the evil touch of misfortune which has befallen me lately” i confessed. Was there ever anything seen like love and sorrow meeting together in a place?. The pure love of Benjamin’s noble heart, and the keen sorrow in mine, brought sadness more bitter than death upon us as we stared at each other that fateful sunday.. LEMME KNOW WHEN U ARE READY FOR THE NEXT EPISODE
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 18:51:40 +0000

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