**THE BETRAYAL** (Episode 40) .... I couldn’t sleep that day - TopicsExpress


**THE BETRAYAL** (Episode 40) .... I couldn’t sleep that day as my body, soul and spirit revolted. They clashed n fought each other for supremacy over the control of my heart. I was terribly lost, dejected n confused. I really couldn’t believe i was thinking over Mike’s request, nor considering seeing him again. “am i still in love with him?, , what of Ben?? Ain’t i supposed to think only of him, am i mentally sick or what??” i kept asking myself as i searched my mind for hidden answers. “am i even in love with Ben, or am i just using the poor boy to satisfy myself? Chie i don die” i do end up crying with guilt, disbelief n remorse. I had no one to share my problems with, n Amara who could have helped, really proved to be on Ben’s side, so i feared she might report everything to him, if i should open up to her. The week slowly crept by without Mike showing up nor disturbing me. I tried my best to make good use of my time, concentrated on my studies and returned Benjamin’s love. It really helped me get back some of my confidence, but at night it really was a terrible story. Mike’s image kept appearing in my head. As a girl i carried my secrets without revealing nothing to anyone. If Ben noticed the change in me, he never showed it nor asked any probing questions. I equally avoided Amara to the extent i only saw her thrice that week. * 10AM SATURDAY MORNING * I was on my way to my hair dresser’s salon when i ran into Mike at the {hostel} gate. “why are u here?” i asked coldly. He just smiled n stared at me all over. “i came to see u my dear, good morning” he murmured. I sighed, pushed him out of my way n walked towards my destination. “where are u going? I can drop u” he offered and pointed to an ash {coloured} Nissan Primera car. “u wan show me sey you don buy old model car abi??” I scoffed, gave him an askance look n tried to continue with my journey, but he still held me strongly n stared into my eyes pleadingly. “please it won’t do u any harm, moreover we can discuss as i drive you to where ever u are going” he pleaded. I breathed deeply, looked around, saw no familar face within the premises, and nodded, “alright, but i will never enter your car ever again” i muttered, “no wahala, thanks dear” he accepted happily, rushed to his car, opened the passenger’s door, helped me in, sat on the driver’s seat, switched on his car engine, backed out the car and stared at me searchingly. “u can drive to Dora’s salon, i want to *re-touch* my hair” i commanded. He smiled, floored the accelerator and drove towards Dora’s salon. “i never knew you still patronize her, i thought you always complained that she cuts your hair each time she touches it??” he asked. I looked away “so he still do remember how i complained about Dora during the days we were together, years ago” i reasoned with disbelief. We soon arrived at the hair dressing salon. He parked his car. “i will wait 4 u” he murmured, “no don’t bother, thanks” i replied a bit coldly, “i insist dear” he strongly added. I breathed deeply, shrugged n got out from his car. “y do i always end up playing this dirty game with him, how will all these end?” i wondered as i walked into the salon. He sat in his car and waited 4 me, while i sat in the salon and kept praying to Mother Mary to help, guide and protect me 4 the dangerous path i was walking into… A woman’s life is very complicated n uncertain, but male folks never seem to understand or noticed. “Mike we can never be together again, all i can offer you this moment is only friendship, how many times do you want me to repeat this, please stop wasting your time with me and search for another” i pleaded quietly as we headed back to my lodge after i was done fixing my hair. He frowned slightly, stared at me for a while and drove on silently. Thinking over everything as i fixed my hair, i came to the conclusion that perhaps i wasn’t destined to be with him, because i really didn’t see any good reason why he even abandoned me in the first place. Yet i also couldn’t deny that i wasn’t feeling something for him, even though it wasn’t strong enough to make me risk my relationship with Benjamin. Mike drove on silently until we got to my lodge. “at-least can i have ur number please” he begged, “no mike i can’t, i really do need to forget everything abt u n so do u” i confessed. He swallowed hard, drew a bit closer n held my left hand softly. “y are u resisting me so strongly?” he asked quietly. “ are not giving me fair hearing, please allow me to explain why i kept away from you” he begged. “no explanation can justify what u did, please i beg of u, stop disturbing me” i pleaded, He quickly followed me, but unluckily for me, i ran into Ben who was standing beside the hostel gate with an empty galon in his hand. Oh God!!! Chaiii!! Trouble! The Story keeps Unfolding Can Cyndii and Bens Love survive through the pressure she is getting from Mike?? WATCH OUT FOR EPIS0DE 41
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 19:16:27 +0000

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