THE BETRAYAL Part 4 (LOVE AND SORROW) EPISODE 2 “oh i - TopicsExpress


THE BETRAYAL Part 4 (LOVE AND SORROW) EPISODE 2 “oh i guess its almost lights out” he sort of exclaimed as he brought out his mobile phone, “we will discuss more tomorrow, just type in your phone number in mine?” he said, offering me his cell phone. I quietly did as he requested, which brought more smiles upon his face. “i’ll call you tomorrow, do have a wonderful night” he said as he collected his phone from me. I nodded and murmured a reply before joining my friend who was patiently waiting for me. _____ “hmmm you are really a very lucky girl ooo” Bisi exclaimed after i narrated to her how i was helped by the Camp official as we returned to our hostel. “but come to think of it, i think the guy has other things in mind, just that he hasn’t been able to say it out” she concluded seriously, while i shrugged. “and what do you think it could be, since he said he isn’t after my money?” i asked innocently. She scoffed and shook her head. “don’t be a naive little girl. What else does a guy want from a beautiful lady huh?” she faced me with a sneer, “i even heard that these camp officials you see everywhere are more randy than all the male corpers put together” she murmured with a soft laugh. I shook my head, a bit stunned by the revelation. “but that dosen’t mean we shouldn’t accept favours from them. Most times they turn out to be saviours, just thread cautiously they are very gullible” she winked at me, while i rolled my eyes. I really sacrificed an hour sleep that fateful night, thinking over Bisi’s words. The camp official’s intentions equally wasn’t left out. Surprisingly he never called me the next day like he promised. Instead surprised me with his phone call a day after we were sworn in as corpers. I really was dressing up for evening parade that fateful day when his call came through. “can we meet at the clinic by 7:30pm this evening?” he asked, “sure i will be there” i replied. “write down your name and BY NUM{reg number} on a piece of paper and bring it along when coming” he requested before hanging up. _____ By 7:30pm i nervously stood in front of the camp clinic. I flashed his phone number twice before walking into the clinic. I felt a hand on my left shoulder from behind, which made me turn quickly. There stood the official, smiling in his usual manner. “how are you?” he asked as he led me to a less busy corner. “i’m fine” i smiled, avoiding his gaze. “hope you wrote down your name and reg number?” he asked searchingly. I nodded and gave him the piece of paper which he quickly glanced at. “i saw you among the quarter guards yesterday” he said, smiling. I rolled my eyes and laughed softly. “yea my platoon commander made me join the squad” i explained, “and do you like it?” he asked. “i really don’t have a choice, do i??” i murmured. “fine i will help with your posting. Yenegoa right?” he asked, “yea thanks alot for everything. You are a very nice person” i answered gratefully. He shrugged, saying nothing. “i guess i should be going?” i asked anxiously. He nodded quietly, still saying nothing even though his eyes were fixed on me. “thanks again for everything. Good night” i said polietly, turning to leave. “wait cynthia, there is something else i have to tell you” i heard him say. I instantly froze, my heart furiously pounding. It really took him quite an effort to say those words, and so i knew whatever he wanted to say was something extremely important. “could Bisi be right once again?” i wondered as i turned to face him. To be continued.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Oct 2014 19:35:25 +0000

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