**THE BETRAYAL** (episode 6) ........I still vividly remember - TopicsExpress


**THE BETRAYAL** (episode 6) ........I still vividly remember that fateful night as if it was yesterday. The day i thought i was doing the right thing for the guy i loved and adored…. That fateful day was febuary 14th of my first year in the university, and i was a simple naive virgin who knew not that a guy could go any length just to take a woman’s most cherished treasure……. Mike and i have dated for months prior to that particular day, and even though i felt strongly for him, i never allowed him to go beyond kissing me, and he never bothered to go further, cos according to him, he valued me more than satisfying his urge, which i really fell for, coupled with his humble nature and behaviour, without knowing that i was digging my own pit…….. On that fateful valentines day, he took me shopping, where he bought few clothes which he could afford for me, before treating me to a delicious meal in ‘Crunchies’, which was one of the best fastfood available in our vicinity that year…. We really spent much time there, eating, joking and taking pictures. I must confess he really spent a lot on me, that fateful day, which really swept me off my feet and i equally decided to surprise him with a gift of my virginity cos i thought he deserved it……… When we got back to his hostel later in the evening, i kissed... Continue Reading the full Episode @ bubblews/news/5754681-the-betrayal-episode-6
Posted on: Sat, 16 Aug 2014 21:25:31 +0000

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