**THE BETRAYAL** (episode 72) I really had great fun at the club - TopicsExpress


**THE BETRAYAL** (episode 72) I really had great fun at the club dancing myself to exhaustion. It really was wonderful, pushing aside my fears and worries to enjoy every moment of that night. It truly was a wild night. “i’m so glad to see happiness back on your face” Amara giggled as we danced. Chike truly behaved like a gentleman, he never made any silly remark nor behaved inappropriately. I just felt happy, throwing decency to the wind as i danced. I really can’t say what went into me that fateful night. For the first time i discarded my identity, though it only was for few hours. What a long happy night it was. Seriously clubs are where we get to live another life without anyone raising eyebrow at you. ___ “i’m glad you girls are happy” Chike murmured as he drove us back to our lodge by 6:40am. I looked out of the window and smiled quietly. He really had insisted on taking us to his apartment when we left the club by 3:15am, citing security reasons. It really didn’t go down well with me, but i accepted after Amara pleaded and assured me that nothing silly would happen. Just like she assured me, Chike behaved himself when we got to his plush apartment. I opted to rest in the sitting room, while Amara had no choice than to stay with me, she cuddled herself on a long couch and soon fell asleep. I sat on a smaller one, crossed my legs and waited for dawn. By 6:15am i woke Amara, who grumbled before going over to Chike’s room to drag him out. He drove us back to our lodge minutes later without complaining. But on getting to the lodge i was extremely surprised to see Mike standing by his car. I couldn’t believe my eyes, nor think of what could bring him to my lodge by that hour. I was simply dumbfounded, i felt like dodging, but had no choice than to alight from Chike’s car. The time was 6:55am. “so this is what you do?, just hours after your parents left the hospital?” Mike asked, casting a terrible glance at my clothes. I equally wasn’t appropriately dressed “I came to see you before going to work, but what did i get. The gateman tells me you and your friend spent the night out” he said angrily. “i’m sorry dear, I just wanted to ease up stress by clubbing” i apologized, “who is that guy?” he asked, “Amara’s cousin” i replied, “that’s not what i’m asking” he murmured, “what really are his intentions towards you?” he asked. I frowned and stared at him. “don’t insult me please, what are you insinuating?” i asked, “i know he is buying his time” he said to himself, getting me a little confused. “please let’s go to my room, i’m very tired” i begged, “no i’m almost late for work, but i will be here before 5:30pm” he promised, forcing out a smile. “alright dear, thanks for helping us yesterday” i thanked and hugged him. “it’s my obligation, your family is mine also” he replied. _____ I called mum as soon as i got to my room and enquired about my dad. I was glad they were all okay. I smiled happily and fell on my bed. “i will be harvesting my cassava tomorrow. The ones planted behind Udoka’s compound” she informed me, “nawao! Arn’t you supposed to rest this weekend?” i asked with disbelief, “no dear, there isn’t any garri left in the house and you know your dad prefers home-made. I will rest today, then tomorrow i do the harvest, peel, wash and grind them against monday when i will do the frying” she explained. “oh mum, you are really stressing yourself too much. Anyway i will be home very early tomorrow to assist you” i promised and hung up. I took my bath and slept off, waking by 4pm to prepare indomie and egg which i took with a bottle of coke. I was about opening a novel i borrowed from a coursemate, when i heard knocks on my door. I rose up and opened my door. It was Amara with Chike by her side. I really wasn’t pleased to see him but what could i do?. “don’t tell me you are still sleeping lazy girl?” Amara asked searchingly, “it’s 5:30 already” she laughed. I allowed them into my room, settled on my bed with Amara, while Chike sat quietly on my reading chair. He grabbed the novel i earlier was about reading and focused his attention on it. “hmmm BEDDED OR WEDDED by Julia James” he read out the title, drawing out my curiousity. “do you like romance novels” i asked without thinking, “yea i love literature with passion, i’m a great fan of romance and crime novels, but i prefer crime more, however it dosen’t stop me from staying awake all night to read a good romance story especially when it’s from Harlequin authors, like Emma Darcy’s “BILLIONAIRE’S CAPTIVE BRIDE”, “WILLINGLY BEDDED, FORCIBLY WEDDED” by Melanie milburne and a whole lot of others” he explained fluently. I was impressed, but just that moment i heard a knock on my door. I glanced at my wall clock and breathed deeply. MY INSTINCT TOLD ME IT WAS MIKE. STORY CONTINUES.... 8episodes to go stay tuned for episode 73
Posted on: Mon, 14 Jul 2014 13:26:49 +0000

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