THE BIBLCAL FUNCTION OF THE CHURCH OF CHRIST JESUS TODAY! Read: Matt. 16:18-19 Over the past 28 years, it has been interesting to Me, to see and witness, the ill-functions of Church leaders and the inappropriate applications of Apostolic Precepts written in the New Covenant for the continued identification, preparation, application, ministry and expansion of The Kingdom of Heaven and The Church Christ Jesus would build through The Apostles. One of the major emphasis of most Churches, has been the SAVING OF SOULS. In truth, as it is written, the Apostles mandate WAS NOT the saving of Souls. In Matthew 28:17-20, Jesus, after HIS Resurrection, gave the Apostles a Commission to GO and Make Disciples of ALL Nations, Baptizing them (not as Christians; nor as any Protestant religion member); BUT IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER AND OF THE SON AND OF THE HOLY SPIRIT.TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS HE COMMANDED THEM. This Command and Commission was given before THE DAY OF PENTECOST (ref. Acts 2:1-4). As Apostles, even today, We are not Commissioned to Make disciples for ourselves, as many do; nor are We Commanded to teach any Thing opposite the Things Jesus taught the first Apostle to do. Apostolic ministry is a ministry TO NATIONS. Either as Apostles, We GO to the nations, are We allow the nations to come to Us, in the Land where We are; BUT WE MUST GO AS COMMANDED. Apostles MUST have the TEACHINGS of the Apostles of Jesus, not as it regarded Israel as a nation; BUT AS IT REGARDED THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. Because ALL AUTHORITY has been given, as it pertains to heaven and on earth (ref. Matt. 28:18). In the PARABLE OF THE JUDGMENT OF THE GENTILES, written in Matthew 25:31-46, Jesus continued to teach and speak with the Apostles concerning many things that would occur after HIS death, resurrection and Ascension, from chapter 24:3-25:1-46. There IS a Judgment that will come to the GENTILES and those who become MINISTERS among them, as we witness even today. This is the 7th KEY of THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN, Jesus said He would give to Apostle Peter, which deals with RECOGNITION. There ARE those who are actually LEFT-HANDED authority of influence, as it regards the KINGDOM and MINISTERS. MANY ASSUME THAT WHAT JESUS STATES ABOUT BEING HUNGRY, THIRSTY, A STRANGER, NAKED, SICK AND IN PRISON, IS ABOUT THE UN-SAVED PEOPLE OR THOSE WHO NEED TO BE SAVED; NO, IT IS THE LORD WITHIN THE APOSTLES. It is Christ (The Mantle) dwelling WITHIN the Apostles and Prophets, WHO ARE left to be hungry, thirsty, treated as a stranger, naked, sick and thrown into prison. Jesus said, you did not visit Me; ASSUREDLY. I SAY TO YOU, INASMUCH AS YOU DID IT TO ONE OF THE LEAST OF THESE MY BRETHREN (Men and Women), YOU DID IT TO ME. (ref. Matt.25:45b; 40). Apostolic ministry is really not intended for the LAWLESS; those who will not abide by natural laws or spiritual laws. WE AS LEADERS MUST UNDERSTAND THAT THE KINGDOM would not Be RESTORED even to Israel, as they thought and desired, after they Crucified Jesus, with a Lawless spirit (read: ACTS 1:6-8). The TRUE WITNESS is TO Jesus; not for Jesus or about Jesus. Apostles WITNESS to the Grace and Resurrection of Jesus, and the LIMITLESS AUTHORITY HE NOW HAS OVER DEATH, THE GRAVE, THE FIRMAMENT (Called Heaven) and on the EARTH (ref. Matt.28:18). When We who believe, come to understand the meaning of the PARABLE OF THE WHEAT AND TARES, among the others of Matthew chapter 13; We will understand WHO is of the KINGDOM (WHEAT) and who is of the Enemy (Tares). It seems the Church today, prides Itself on how many Souls it has, in reference to Acts 2:41,47; 3:4; Heb.13:17; James 1:21 and 1 Peter 1:22; as it regards Souls. But the Commission for Apostles, as it regards the Church, is to MAKE men to Be discipline to The Covenant of The Kingdom (ref. Heb. 8:6,13;12:24). Within the Church, some leaders are attempting to have the people within to Abide together by TWO COVENANTS (read: Gal.4:21-31). Apostle Paul elaborates on the estrangement many Gentile believer will experience from a lack of knowledge and understanding where the dissension really is and Why in church relationships (read: Gal.1-9). Many Scriptures within the Bible, has to be reviewed and Revelation given to the Prophetic and Apostolic emphasis written, to understand and have knowledge of the true functions of The Church Jesus said would PREVAIL AGAINST the GATES OF HADES. This is the Real Enemy of The Church Jesus said He would build through the Apostles. Churches, Ministries, Fellowships and Gatherings, truly need to focus on the Great Commission and Command of Matthew 28:18-20 today. This will allow Believers to have a RELATIONSHIP WITH THE FATHER, THE SON AND THE HOLY SPIRIT, without division among Us.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 14:07:55 +0000

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