THE BIBLE AND BLACK PEOPLE THE TEACHINGS OF BISHOP DAVID HILL/THE LORD ELIJAH.PLEASE LISTEN TO OUR GOSPEL ON YOUTUBE.@ --The keys to understanding is listening to the message below.According to all evidence we now have, mankind started in Africa. In the book ‘’The Progress and Evolution of Man in Africa, Dr.L.S.B. Leakey states that; In any country one visits and when one is drawn into conversation about Africa, the question is asked, by people who should know better: ‘’But what has Africa contributed to world progress?’’ The critics of Africa forget that even even science today are, with few exceptions, satisfied that Africa was the birthplace of man himself and that for many hundreds of centuries thereafter, Africa was in the forefront of all world progress. The civilization of Egypt lasted longer than any other civilization known to man (about ten thousand years). This civilization reached its highest and was in decline before Europe was born. J.A Rogers, Great men of colour. God formed and created the first man and woman, Adam and Eve, in Ethiopia, in the Garden of Eden: Genesis 2:8-13. In Genesis 11:1 we read – The whole earth was of one language and of one speech. One race of people (Black People) spoke the Mother Language (Hebrew), but because they rebelled against God we’re told in Genesis 11:9; God scattered them aboard upon the face of all the earth. During slavery, unless there was a white interpreter of the bible it was a crime for black people to read the bible. The plan to destroy the black man’s culture, his God and religion did not start in North and South America, it goes back a thousand years. It is particularly interesting to see, what the enemy’s plan was as we read Psalms 83:3-4; They have taken crafty council against thy people and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, Come and let us cut them off from being a nation; that the name of Israel will be no more in remembrance. So friends, it is not surprising today that the black race have no knowledge that they are the Hebrews (Israelites). But as we read in Lamentations 4:8 we’re told: Their visage is blacker than a coal; THEY ARE NOT KNOWN IN THE STREETS: In other words, the common people (the grass root) have no knowledge of their culture, and going to church seems to have made them more stupid; In that they become so heavenly bound that they are no earthly good. They believe that after they die they will get a home in heaven. They also believe that the milk and honey we read about in the Bible, are things we will receive in heaven, not on earth Exodus 3:8. Let us set the records straight, The Bible is a Black history and it speaks specifically about Black people. The Bible only mentions other people as they come in contact with the Hebrew Israelites (Black people). The presence of black people in the Old Testament is the rule rather than the exceptions. In the United states any person who has a traceable amount of ‘’Black Blood’’ running through his veins from his lineal (ancestral forbearers) is legal and nationally, racially and ethnically ‘’Black’’. Black genes are indeed dominant not (recessive). Employing this dimension of blackness to Biblical family trees is revealing. In one case, Ephraim and Manasseh and thus the tribes bearing their names were the offsprings and inherited the ethnicity of Joseph and his explicity black wife Asenath the Egyptian: Genesis 41:50-52. We mention explicit? Above because they are three (3) dimensions of the Black’s presence. Some peoples’ are explicity black as Moses? Cushite wife Numbers 12:1 – Others are implicity classified as Black as the mixed – multitude? Which left slavery in Egypt under the leadership of Moses with the Black Hebrew Israelites; Exodus 12:37-38. So from Genesis to Revelation in the table of nations predominantly we are talking about Black people. However, anthropology and ethnology remove Black people completely from the Bible. So did the critical study of the Nigroes from the Bible and Biblical history. Thus today critical bible studies as in anthrology and ethnology the ancient Egyptians, Cushites, in fact all the people of Ham were white. So called Negroes did not figure at all in Biblical history according to the white race. The robbers of our people wanted to make sure there will never be a trace of Black people or Black history in the Holy Bible: Romans 1:25, Daniel 11:14 we’re told ALSO THE ROBBERS OF THY PEOPLE: Now let us read Psalms 83:3-4 They have taken crafty council against thy people, and consulted against thy hidden ones. They have said, come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel will be no more in remembrance. We must return to Genesis again because one great Black man whose name was Nimrod : Genesis 10:8-32, he began to be a mighty one in the earth, as we read and learn in these verses. Cush is the son of Ham; and the very word HAM means Black; and Cush is the father of Nimrod. The seed of Ham and Shem inhabited all the land of Africa, Asia, and Middle East. The other son Japheth inhabited Europe. Now when Nimrod was building Babylon as was stated was before, the whole earth was of one language. The mother tongue was Hebrew, and there was one people. In these last days as the time of the Gentiles come to an end: Romans 11:25; There is once again a world wide conspiracy to destroy Black culture and Black history.For more information please call- 592-676-6798/219-0430/231-5546,after reading please SHARE.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 11:11:17 +0000

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