THE BIBLE Collection of divinely inspired writings recording the - TopicsExpress


THE BIBLE Collection of divinely inspired writings recording the revelations of God and mankind. Greeks called it ta biblia because of the many parts/books that make it but we, following Latins made a singular of Greek plural and call these sacred writings the Bible- in the sense of the book of books because it surpasses all other books. The Principal author of the Bible is God and Human authors are just his Instruments who wrote under Gods Inspiration. 2 PETER 1:20-21 ...NO PROPHECY OF SCRIPTURE IS MADE BY PRIVATE INTERPRETATION. FOR NOT BY WILL OF MAN WAS PROPHECY BROUGHT AT ANY TIME; BUT HOLY MEN OF GOD SPOKE AS THEY WERE MOVED BY THE HOLY SPIRIT. 2 TIMOTHY 3:16-17 ALL SCRIPTURE IS INSPIRED BY GOD AND USEFUL FOR TEACHING, FOR REPROVING, FOR CORRECTING, FOR INSTRUCTING IN JUSTICE; THAT THE MAN OF GOD MAY BE PERFECT,EQUIPPED FOR EVERY GOOD WORK. TESTAMENT Solemn pact/agreement. Long ago before coming of Christ God made a covenant with Jewish People where by they were to preserve the Worship of THE TRUE GOD and HE WAS TO SEND A SAVIOR or redeemer into the world. Both this agreement and books written about it are called the OLD TESTAMENT. Through the SACRIFICE OF CHRIST ON MOUNT CALVARY, God made a new agreement, not merely with Jews only but the whole human race according to which humanity is to achieve salvation through Christ. This pact and the collection of books about it is the NEW TESTAMENT. WE SHALL CONTINUE TO BRING YOU MORE UPDATES IN THE COURSE OF TIME ESPECIALLY IN REGARD TO BRIEF INTRODUCTION OF EVERY BOOK OF THE BIBLE. There are 72 books in the Catholic Bible, 45 in OT and 27 in NT. YOU ARE WELCOME TO ADD OTHER IDEAS. THE BOOK OF GENESIS.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Dec 2013 05:24:59 +0000

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