THE BIBLE IN ONE YEAR ON CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER DAY #78 Wednesday 3/19/2014 Deuteronomy 26:1-29:1 26.1 “Also, when you personally cone into the country Yahovah 2 your Elohim 3 is giving you as an inheritance, and you personally grab and live in it, 26.2 take from the first of all the fruit of Earth you shall bring, from your country Yahovah your Elohim is giving you personally, and put it in a basket, and go to the place Yahovah your Elohim chooses to put his name, Notes 1 Governed By God, 2 I-Am, 3 God, 4 Slice, 5 Egypt plural, 26.3 and go to the priest 6 in those days and tell him, “I confess today to Yahovah 1 your Elohim 2 that I have come to the country Yahovah swore to our fathers for to give us,” 26.4 and the priest 3 shall take the basket out of your hand, and he shall put it down in front of the altar 4 of Yahovah your Elohim, 26.5 and say in front of Yahovah your Elohim, “My father, an Aramean 5, was ready to perish, and he went down to Mizraim 6, and he stayed there with a few, and he became a great, powerful, and populous nation there, 26.6 and the Egyptians treated us bad and harassed us, and they laid hard slavery on us, 26.7 and when we shouted to Yahovah Elohim of our fathers, Yahovah heard our voice and looked on our harassment and our labor and our oppression, 26.8 and Yahovah brought us out of Mizraim with a strong hand and a stretched out arm and great terror and with signs and wonders, 26.9 and he brought us to this place, and he has given us this country, a country flowing with milk and honey, 26.10 and now see, Yahovah, I have brought the first fruits of the country you personally have given me,” and put it in front of Yahovah your Elohim, and worship before Yahovah your Elohim’s face, 26.11 and brighten up in every good that Yahovah your Elohim has given to you personally, and your household, you personally and the Levy 7 and the foreigner among you. Notes 1 I-Am, 2 God, 3 Kahahn, 4 Mizbeah, 5 people of Syria and Iraq who speak Aramaic, 6 Egypt plural, 7 Joined Tribe, 8 Governed By God, 9 Descent, Jordan, 26.12 “When you personally have finished tithing all the tenths of your increase the third year, the year of tithing, and you personally have given it to the Levy 7, the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow so they can eat inside your gates and be filled, 26.13 then say before Yahovah 1 your Elohim’s 2 face, “I have brought away the set apart things out of my home, and I have also given them to the Levy and the foreigner, to the fatherless and the widow, according to all your commands you personally ordered me. I did not break your commands or forget them. 26.14 I have not eaten from it in my mourning. I have not taken away anything of it for any impure use, or given anything of it for the dead, but I have heard the call of Yahovah my Elohim, and I have done everything you personally have ordered me. 26.15 Look down from your set apart residence, from the Heavens, and kneel to your people Isra-El 8 and the country you personally have given us, just like you personally swore to our fathers, a country flowing with milk and honey.” 26.16 Today, Yahovah your Elohim has ordered you personally to guard these rules and judgments, so guard and do them with all your heart and with all your soul. 26.17 You personally have said Yahovah is your Elohim today, and you will walk on his routes and guard his rules and his commands and his judgments and listen to his voice, 26.18 and Yahovah told you personally today that you are his special people, just like he promised you personally, and you shall guard all his commands, 26.19 and he shall make you personally high above all nations he has made, in praise and in name and in honor, and you personally can be a people set apart to Yahovah your Elohim, just like he said.” 27.1 Also, Moshe 3 ordered the people with the older ones of Isra-El 8 - “Guard all the commands I am ordering you today, 27.2 and on the day you cross over Yarden 9 to the country Yahovah your Elohim is giving you personally, put up great rocks, and plaster them with plaster, 27.3 and write on them all the words of this Torah 1, when you personally cross over, so you personally can go into the country Yahovah 2 your Elohim 3 is giving you personally, a country flowing with milk and honey, like Yahovah Elohim of your fathers promised you personally, 27.4 so when you go over Yarden, you shall put these stones I am ordering you today up on Mount Ebal 4, and plaster them with plaster, 27.5 and there you personally shall build an altar 5 to Yahovah your Elohim, an altar of rocks. Do not lift up any iron tool on them. 27.6 Build the altar of Yahovah your Elohim out of whole rocks, and offer burnt offerings on it to Yahovah your Elohim, 27.7 and offer peace offerings, and eat there, and brighten up in front of Yahovah your Elohim, 27.8 and write on the rocks all the words of this Torah, really plain.” Notes 1 Law, 2 I-Am, 3 God, 4 Curse, 5 Mizbeah, 6 Pulled Out Of The Water, Moses, 7 Kahahn, 8 Joined Tribe, 9 Governed By God, 10 Cut Off, 11 Descent, Jordan, 12 He Is Heard, 13 Joined, 14 Praise, Judah, 15 Reward, 16 Josef, I-Am Added, Yahovah Added, 17 Son Of My Right Hand, 18 Curse, 19 Look For A Son, 20 Crowd, 21 Knelt To, 22 Home, 23 Judgment, 24 Struggle, 25 Joined tribe, 27.9 Then Moshe 6 and the priests 7 and the Leviyim 8 told all Isra-El 9, “Pay attention and listen Isra-El. Today, you personally have become the people of Yahovah 2 your Elohim 3, 27.10 so obey the call of Yahovah your Elohim and do his commands and his rules I am ordering you personally today,” 27.11 and Moshe ordered the people that day - 27.12 “These shall stand on Mount Gerizim 10 to kneel to the people, when you have come over Yarden 11 - Shimon 12 and Levy 13 and Yehudah 14 and Issakhar 15 and Yo-sef 16 and Ben-yamin 17, 27.13 and these shall stand on Mount Ebal 18 to curse - Reu-Ben 19, Gad 20 and Asher 21 and Zebulun 22, Dan 23 and Naftali 24, 27.14 and the Leviyim 25 shall tell all the men of Isra-El with a loud voice, 27.15 “Cursed is the man who makes any graven or melted image - filth to Yahovah, the work of the hands of the craftsman, and he puts it in a secret place,” and all the people shall answer and say, “Amen.” 27.16 “Cursed is the man who treats his father or his mother lightly,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.17 “Cursed is the man who pulls out his neighbors landmark,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.18 “Cursed is the man who makes the blind wander off the route,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.19 “Cursed is the man who perverts the verdict of the foreigner, the fatherless and the widow,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.20 “Cursed is the man who lies with his father’s woman, because he uncovers his fathers skirt,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.21 “Cursed is the man who lies with any type of animal,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.22 “Cursed is the man who lies with his sister, the daughter of his father or the daughter of his mother,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.23 “Cursed is the man who lies with his mother-in-law,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.24 “Cursed is the man who hits his neighbor secretly,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.25 “Cursed is the man who takes a reward to kill an innocent person,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 27.26 “Cursed is the man who does not confirm all the words of this Torah 1, to carry them out,” and all the people shall say, “Amen.” 28.1 “But if you personally listen carefully to the call of Yahovah 1 your Elohim 2, to observe and do all his commands I am ordering you personally today, Yahovah your Elohim shall put you personally up high above all nations of Earth, 28.2 and all these bending of the knees shall come on you personally and overtake you personally if you personally hear the call of Yahovah your Elohim. 28.3 You shall be knelt to in the city, and you shall be knelt to in the field. 28.4 You shall be knelt to in the fruit of your body and the fruit of your ground and the fruit of your cattle, the increase of your cattle and the flocks of your sheep. 28.5 You shall be knelt to in your basket and your store. 28.6 You shall be knelt to when you personally come in, and you shall be knelt to when you go out. Notes 1 I-Am, 2 God, 28.7 “Yahovah 1 shall make your enemies who rise up against you personally be hit before the face of your face. They shall come out against you personally one way, and escape ahead of you personally seven ways. 28.8 Yahovah shall order the bending of the knee on you personally in your storehouses and in everything you personally put your hand to, and he shall kneel to you personally in the country Yahovah your Elohim 2 is giving you personally. 28.9 Yahovah shall raise you personally up, a people set apart to himself, as he has sworn to you personally if you personally shall guard the commands of Yahovah your Elohim and walk on his routes. 28.10 and all people of Earth shall see you personally are called by the name of Yahovah, and they shall be in fear and awe of you. 28.11 and Yahovah shall make you plentiful in goods, in the fruit of your body and in the fruit of your cattle and in the fruit of your ground, in the country Yahovah swore to your fathers to give you personally. 28.12 Yahovah shall open up to you his good treasure, the Heavens to give the rain to your country in its season, and he shall kneel to all the work of your hand, and lend to many nations, and do not borrow. 28.13 and Yahovah shall make you personally the head and not the tail, and only be above and do not be beneath, if you personally listen to the commands of Yahovah your Elohim I am ordering you personally today to listen to them and carry them out, 28.14 and do not go away from any of the words I am ordering you personally today, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them. 28.15 “But if you personally do not hear the call of Yahovah 1 your Elohim 2, to listen in order to carry out all his commands and his rules I am ordering you personally today, all these curses shall come on you personally, and they shall overtake you personally. 28.16 You shall be cursed in the city and you shall be cursed in the field. 28.17 Cursed shall be your basket and your store. 28.18 Cursed shall be the fruit of your body and the fruit of your country, the increase of your cattle and the flocks of your sheep. 28.19 You shall be cursed when you personally come in, and cursed you personally shall be when you personally go out. 28.20 Yahovah shall send on you personally cursing, harassment and rebuke, in everything you personally put your hand to, until you personally are destroyed and you personally perish quickly because of the evil of your doings you personally have abandoned me in. 28.21 “Yahovah 1 shall make the virus bond with you personally, until he has consumed you personally off the country where you personally are going in to grab. 28.22 Yahovah shall hit you personally with consumption and a fever and inflammation and extreme burning, and the sword and blasting and mildew, and they shall pursue you personally until you personally perish, 28.23 and your heavens over your head shall be bronze and the ground under you shall be iron. 28.24 Yahovah shall make the rain of your country powder and dust. It shall come down on you personally from the Heavens until you personally are destroyed. 28.25 Yahovah shall make you personally hit before the face of your enemies. You personally shall go out one way against them and escape seven ways ahead of them, and you shall be removed to all the kingdoms of Earth, 28.26 and your carcass shall be food to all birds of the air and the livestock of Earth, and no man shall scare them away. 28.27 Yahovah shall hit you personally with Mizraim’s 2 boil and the tumors and the scab and the itch you personally cannot be healed from. 28.28 Yahovah shall hit you personally with madness and blindness and astonishment of heart, 28.29 and you personally shall grope at noon, like the blind grope in darkness, and do not prosper on your routes, and you personally shall be oppressed and plundered forever, and no man shall rescue you personally. 28.30 You personally shall get betrothed 2 to a woman and another man shall lie with her. You personally shall build a home and do not live in it. You personally shall plant a vineyard and you shall not gather its grapes. 28.31 Your bullock shall be killed before the face of your eyes and do not eat from it. Your donkey shall be violently taken away from before the face of your face and it shall not be restored to you personally. Your sheep shall be given to your enemies, and you personally shall have nobody to rescue them. Notes 1 I-Am, 2 a binding commitment to marry, 28.32 “Your sons and your daughters shall be given to another people, and your eyes shall look and fail with longing for them, all day long, and there shall be no power in your hand. 28.33 A nation you do not know intimately shall eat up the fruit of your country and all your labors, and you personally shall be oppressed and crushed every day. 28.34 You personally shall be mad because of the vision of the eyes you personally see through. 28.35 Yahovah 1 shall hit you personally in the knees and the legs with a sore boil that cannot be healed, from the sole of your foot to the top of your head. 28.36 Yahovah shall bring you personally and the king you put over you, into a nation you or your fathers have not known intimately, and there you personally shall serve other wooden and stone gods, 28.37 and you personally shall become an astonishment, a proverb and a byword among all nations where Yahovah leads you personally. 28.38 You personally shall carry a lot of seed out to the field and you personally shall gather in only a little, because the locust is going to consume it. 28.39 You personally shall plant vineyards and dress them, but you shall not drink from the wine or gather the grapes, because worms shall eat them. 28.40 You personally shall have olive trees in all your borders, but you shall not anoint yourself with oil, because your olive tree shall throw off its fruit. 28.41 “You personally shall father sons and daughters, but do not enjoy them, because they shall go into captivity. 28.42 The locust shall consume all your trees and the fruit of your country. 28.43 The foreigner inside you personally shall get up very high above you personally and you personally shall come down very low. 28.44 He shall lend to you personally, and do not lend to him. He shall be the head and you personally shall be the tail, 28.45 but all these curses shall come on you personally, and they shall pursue you personally, and they shall overtake you personally until you personally are destroyed, because you personally did not hear the call of Yahovah 1 your Elohim 2, to guard his commands and his rules he ordered you personally, 28.46 and they shall be on you personally and your seed as a sign and a wonder forever, 28.47 because you personally did not serve Yahovah your Elohim with happiness, and a good heart for the huge overflow of all things, 28.48 so you personally shall serve your enemies Yahovah sends against you personally, in hunger and thirst and nakedness, and in lack of all things, and he shall put an iron yoke on your neck until he has destroyed you personally. Notes 1 I-Am, 2 God, 3 Law, 28.49 “Yahovah 1 shall bring a nation against you personally from far, from the end of Earth, as swift as the eagle flies, a nation whose language you personally will not understand, 28.50 a nation of fierce appearance who will not show favoritism to the old, or show favor to the young, 28.51 and he shall eat the fruit of your cattle and the fruit of your country until you personally are destroyed. Also, he shall not leave you personally with wheat, wine, or oil, or the increase of your cattle, or flocks of your sheep, until he has destroyed you personally, 28.52 and he shall besiege you personally in all your gates, until your high and fortified walls come down that you personally trusted in, in all your country, and he shall besiege you personally in all your gates in all your country Yahovah your Elohim has given you personally. 28.53 and you personally shall eat the fruit of your own body, the flesh of your sons and of your daughters Yahovah your Elohim has given you personally, in the siege and in the hardship your enemies distress you personally with, 28.54 so the eye of the man who is tender and really delicate among you shall be evil toward his brother, and toward the woman of his bosom, and toward the remnant of his sons he shall leave, 28.55 so he will not give any of them of the flesh of his sons who he shall eat, because he has nothing left him in the siege and in the hardship your enemies shall distress you personally with, in all your gates. 28.56 The eye of the tender and delicate woman among you who does not want to put the sole of her foot on the ground because of delicateness and tenderness shall be evil toward the man of her bosom, and toward her son and toward her daughter, 28.57 and toward her young one who comes out from between her feet, and toward the sons she shall carry, because she shall eat them because of a lack of all things, secretly, in the siege and hardship your enemy shall distress you personally with, in your gates. 28.58 If you personally will not listen in order to carry out all the words of this Torah 3 written in this book so you personally fear this glorious and fearful name, Yahovah your Elohim, 28.59 then Yahovah 1 will make your plagues and the plagues of your seed full of wonder, great plagues of long duration, and sore sicknesses of long duration. 28.60 But he will bring on you personally all the diseases of Mizraim 4 you personally were scared of, and they shall bond with you personally. Notes 1 I-Am, 2 Law, 3 God, 4 Egypt plural, 5 Pulled Out Of The Water, Moses, 6 Governed By God, 7 Hidden, 8 Desert, 9 Fa-r-oh, King Of Egypt, 10 Rooting Out, 11 Bread Baked In Ashes, 12 Light Soil, 13 Tribe Of Look For A Son, 14 Crowd Tribe, 15 Made Me Forget, 28.61 “Also, Yahovah 1 shall bring on you personally every sickness and every plague that is not written in this Book of the Torah 2, until you personally are destroyed, 28.62 and you shall be left few in number, but you were once like the bright stars of the Heavens for multitude, because you personally would not obey the call of Yahovah your Elohim 3. 28.63 and like Yahovah was bright over you to do you good and multiply you, so Yahovah will be bright over you to destroy you and bring you to nothing, and you shall be plucked off the country where you personally are going in to grab. 28.64 and Yahovah shall scatter you personally among all people, from the one end of Earth to the other, and there you shall serve other wooden and stone gods who you and your fathers did not know intimately, 28.65 and you personally shall find no ease among these nations. The sole of your foot shall have no rest, but there Yahovah shall give you a trembling heart and failing of eyes and sorrow of mind, 28.66 and your life shall hang in doubt before you, and you shall be in fear and awe, day and night, and you personally shall have no assurance of your life. 28.67 In the morning you shall say, “If only it was evening!,” and in the evening you will say, “If only it was morning!,” because of the fear of your heart you shall fear, and the vision of your eyes you shall see, 28.68 and Yahovah shall bring you back to Mizraim 4 in ships, by the route I told you about. You shall no longer see it again, and there you shall be sold to your enemies as servant men and servant women, and no man shall buy you.” 29.1 These are the words of the Covenant Yahovah 1 ordered Moshe 5 to cut with Isra-El’s 6 sons in the country of Moav 7, besides the Covenant he cut with them in Horeb 8.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:09:46 +0000

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