THE BIBLE PROPHESIES THAT KENYA WILL BE SOON DESTROYED AND THAT ETHIOPIA HAS ALREADY ESCAPED HER FATE: Isaiah 18:1-7: Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: That sends ambassadors in swift boats down the river. Go swift messengers! Take a message to a tall, smooth-skinned people, who are feared and far and wide for their conquest and destruction and whose land is divided by rivers. All you people of the world, everyone who lives on the earth—when I raise my battle flag on the mountain, look! When I blow the ram’s horn, listen! For the lord has told me this; “I will watch quietly from my dwelling place—as quietly as the heat rises on a summer day, or as the morning dew forms during the harvest.” Even before you begin your attack, while your plans are ripening as grapes, the lord will cut off your New Growth with pruning shears. He will snip off and discard your spreading branches. Your mighty army will be left dead in the dead in the fields for mighty vultures and wild animals. The Vultures will tear at the corpses all summer. The wild animals will gnaw at the bones all winter. that time the Lord of Heaven’s armies will receive gifts from the land divided by rivers, from this tall, smooth-skinned people, who are feared far and wide for their conquest and destruction. They will bring the gifts from Jerusalem, where the Lord of Heaven’s armies dwells. KENYA: ★The land shadowing with wings which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia is Kenya. You can literally look at the map to see that. Kenya looks like a birdie figure with wings. ★During the pre-modern period, the Kenyan Coast was an important centre for trade in spices, gold and ivory. Its trade Links reached as far as India and China making the Indian Ocean a trading stronghold. Just as the bible states, these messengers were based on the sea and used sea vessels for trade with these tall smooth-skinned people who live in a land divided by rivers. The Kenyan people mostly traded with Asians who are tall, smooth-skinned people, feared for their destruction. The fear of the Asians is Legendary even now, it’s most proverbial. The land divided by rivers is the Continent of Asia. ★The Bible goes further to state of a war that the Kenyans will begin as they lead their way to glory but are destroyed even before they begin the war, and their great army men will lie down dead in the fields and their bodies will be feasted on by Vultures and wild animals. Most Recently, Kenya launched an attack on Somalia Soil. This goes hand in hand with the US president been Kenyan and Discovery of Oil in Turkana. Their Government has already set a goal they call Vision 2030 of a metropolitan City which will be a Centre for their trade. Kenyan’s are living in a prophecy and unless we deliver gifts to Jerusalem, we cannot be saved ETHIOPIA: ★The King James Version talks about Ethiopia being destroyed. Ethiopians are known for their precious gifts. Every History book talks about a black Ethiopian Prince who comes bearing gifts. ★The three wise men already paid the price for Ethiopia and the reason they are called wise is they might have had knowledge of what had to be done to avoid the fate of Ethiopia. With no reasonable doubt, these gifts had come from Ethiopia. Ethiopia is the worldwide main producer of myrrh and frankincense. The apostle Philip also Met with an Ethiopian Eunuch, who was in charge of Ethiopians Queen’s treasure and was later baptized by Him. Coincidentally, The Ethiopian Eunuch was reading the book of Isaiah. Acts 8:26-28: ★Ethiopians should not have much to worry because God always has a mysterious plan. There is always an ‘unless’ where there is a punishment on the way. Also, God can never have the righteous punished. What i am saying is before God has a hard punishment befall on people, he says, Unless you do this, you cannot be saved. ★Many people jump into conclusions that Ethiopia is the first country that will be annihilated in the End times; but according to me, God has already withdrawn their punishment; and this is because gifts have already been delivered to Jerusalem before the tragedy befalls. Ethiopians have already escaped their fate; Ethiopia has already converted. Matthew 2:11: And when they were come into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother, and fell down, and worshiped him: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto him gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. ★There were two very different texts about this prophecy but unfortunately, the early translators of the bible thought it was one. The KJV and the NLT speak about two very different stories that should have been written in two different chapters, each holding a different prophecy. NOTE: 1. It’s not Sudan, Sudan has been mentioned several times in the bible and so the name could’ve been used. It was referred to as Cush or Nubia: The land of Nubians. 2. Sudan is not beyond the rivers of Ethiopia. Kenya is. 3. Ethiopia has already escaped their fate. 4. Kenya was nameless when this prophecy was written but Sudan wasn’t. 5. The book of Daniel is a prophetic book and prophesies about things to come in the days we are living. So let no one lie to you that the prophecies of the Old Testament have all already come to pass. 6. God always gives us a choice to change a prophecy. Unless Sodom and Gomorrah convert, they will burn to the ground. Unless they listen to Noah, a flood is coming. Unless Kenya delivers gifts to Jerusalem, Kenya will soon be annihilated. 7. The tall smooth-skinned people are not Sudanese. And I quote: Isaiah 18:1-2: Woe to the land shadowing with wings, which is beyond the rivers of Ethiopia: That sends ambassadors in swift boats down the river. Go swift messengers! Take a message to a tall, smooth-skinned people, who are feared and far and wide for their conquest and destruction and whose land is divided by rivers’ ★These Kenyans are the ones being sent to Asians; (Tall smooth-skinned people), who are feared and far and wide for their conquest and destruction and whose land is divided by rivers. Yes Sudan is divided by Nile but these people who will be destroyed are the ones being sent to these tall smooth-skinned people feared for their destruction. ★China and India where most slaves would were sent from Kenya to trade with is divided by The River Of Tension. The Ural River divides most of the Asian countries and zigzags most of the Russian landscape. Up to date, Russians are much feared for their destruction.
Posted on: Mon, 18 Nov 2013 16:01:20 +0000

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