THE BIBLE SAYS: JESUS IS NOT GOD. page 2 The Birth Of Jesus - TopicsExpress


THE BIBLE SAYS: JESUS IS NOT GOD. page 2 The Birth Of Jesus Through The Holy Spirit John was also born through the Holy Spirit according to Luke 2:15-16: The Bible says: He (John) will be a great man in the Lords sight. He must not drink any wine or strong drink. From his very birth he will become filled with the Holy Spirit. And he will bring back many of them people of Israel to the Lord their Got. therefore, if the birth and of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit or his birth through the prophecy of Angel Gabriel can make him to be God, the same would have made John the Baptist to be God before I advent of Jesus. Jesus even said I assure you that John the Baptist is greater any man has ever lived (Mathew 11:11). Did Jesus excluded himself? No, because he was also a man that he ever lived. 2. BIRTH OF ISAAC AS FORETOLD BY ANGEL GABRIEL Genesis 17:19: God said to Abraham, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac. COMMENTS: When Abraham received the good tidings from God, he fell on his face and laughed and said to himself, A man is a hundred years old? Shall Sarah who is ninety years old and barren, bear a child? (Genesis 17:17). It does not matter with God whether a woman is a virgin or a barren or not for there is nothing beyond Gods power. The Bible even tells us that, Ishmael, the first son of Abraham was also born according to prophecy. And he also got his nameIshmael directly from heaven. See Genesis 16:10-11. We can logically conclude that if the prophecy of Jesus Christs birth through the virgin Mary can qualify Jesus as God, the same prophecy by an Angel of God through the barren Elizabeth and Sarah whose husbands (Zachariah and Abraham) were very old men, would have qualified John the Baptist and Isaac to be Gods also. DID THE BIRTH OF JESUS WITHOUT A FATHER QUALIFY HIM AS GOD IF the miraculous birth of Jesus Christ without a father can qualify him to be God, then the miraculous appearance of Eve (Adams wife) without mother would have also qualified her to be Goddess. Let the speak on this. HOW EVE WAS BORN Genesis 2:21-23: So the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon the man (Adam), and while he slept, God took one of his ribs and closed up its place with flesh; and the rib which the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Then the man said; This at least is bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called woman because she was taken out of man. COMMENTS: Was the miraculous and unprecedented appearance of Eve from Adam not more supernatural and miraculous than Jesus appearance from Mary? The most astonishing thing about Eve was that she taken out of Man and not out of woman as the case may be. She was also full of wisdom and strength when she was taken out by Adam. But Jesus Christ Grew and became strong, filled with wisdom (see Luke 2:40). Moreover, it was not unusual for a woman to give birth but it is unusual for a woman to be taken out of man directly. This is why we quite believe that the creation of Eve from Adam was more wondrous than the creation of Jesus Christ from Mary. In addition, in the case of Jesus birth, God had to send the Holy Spirit, but in the case of Eve, God himself did the creation directly without the intervention of the Holy Spirit. Also Jesus soaked the milk of his mother from her breast but Eve did not. If Jesus Christ appeared from nowhere, not even through Mary, it would have been been easier to accept him as God. Reason does not allow us to accept anybody born by a woman to be God. The Bible says in Job 25:4-5 How can a man be righteous before God? How can he that is born by woman be clean? When even the stars and moon are not bright before him. How much less a man who is a maggot and a Son of man who is worn? According the these verses, there is no difference between creating Jesus (son of man) through a virgin woman and creating a worm or maggot before God as all thing are possible with him. This statement in Job can be applicable to Jesus Christ as he is described as a man and Son of man in the Bible. Jesus was not even up to a maggot or worm when he is compared with Gods wisdom, power and attributes according to Isaiah 40:18 and 25 THE CREATION OF ADAM COMPARED TO JESUS CREATION. Genesis 2:7: Then the Lord God formed man out of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living being. COMMENTS: This indicate that Adam, the first man, had no farther and mother. Was he then God? Was his creation not a miracle? If Jesus Christ who was born without a father is called God, why not Adam who has no farther and mother? Everyone knows Jesus mother, but who knows the mother of Adam? Who knows the mother of Eve? QUESTION FOR THE CHRISTIANS Let me ask this question before the Christians - If You Discover That Mohammad (peace be upon him) Was a True Prophet Of God While You Are In The Grave, What Would Be Your Reaction? ~~~~~Thank you for following us up to date, meet us in the next page ~~~~~~
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 05:30:35 +0000

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