THE BIBLE VS THE QURAN: At the risk of offending many, but not - TopicsExpress


THE BIBLE VS THE QURAN: At the risk of offending many, but not with that as a goal, a number of truths must be clarified about these holy books: Two absolute truths CANNOT contradict one another. Both claim to be a direct revelation from the ultimate creator of the universe, yet the facts presented within are directly and diametrically opposed to each other e.g: A. The God of the Bible, Yahweh, is explicitly a triune being whose oneness is comprised of three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The God of the Quran, is explicitly one person who explicitly denies both the existence Son and Holy Spirit as God. Just this first fact establishes without any doubt that Yahweh and Allah are definitely not the same being. B. While both books point to Abraham as the patriach of the faith, the stories told within are opposed to one another: in the Bible God promises to bless Abraham and the world through his son Isaac, the son of promise. In the Quran, Allahs blessings flow through Abrahams other son, Ishmael, not Isaac. Meanwhile, the Bible is explicit in its assertion that Ishmael is an illegitimate son who would forever contend with his brother, Isaac, the true heir of Gods promise. (Out of Isaac descended Israel, while out of Ishmael descended Arabs) C. The Bible explicitly declares Jesus to be Son of God and therefore is God. And that He, the divine creator, became human without losing his divinity, and most importantly that he physically died on the cross bearing the sin of all mankind and by his own divine power rose up from the dead physically on the third day, having once and for all extinguished sin and its condemnation for all who put their trust in Him. The Bible declares that Christ then ascended to heaven where He resumed His heavenly throne and will return to judge the whole world and reign forever and ever as God and King. The Quran explicitly declares that Jesus is definitely not the Son of God. Also that Jesus is absolutely not God. Thirdly the Quran declares explicitly that Jesus did not die on the cross and hence did not resurrect. Rather, it claims (together with the Hadith, Islams co-holy text) that Jesus ascended to heaven never having died but that when he comes back, he will assist a leader superior to him, Al Mahdi, to convert the whole world to Islam and then he will die and be buried next to Mohammed and await to be resurrected so he can stand to be judged by Allah. Based on these three foundational tenets of both, any sane and reasonable person must come to a number of conclusions: 1. The books are absolutely not both from the same God. 2. One of these books is a perversion of the other since the characters maintain the same names but facts are opposite. 3. One, or both of these books are lying blatantly. Two absolute truths cannot oppose one another! Consider these two facts: A. The Bible, both Old & New Testaments were completed by 100 AD having begun to be compiled by Moses around 1500 BC The Quran was compiled by Mohammed during his life between 570-632 AD B. Scientific, Archeological evidence is readily available that shows that both testaments of the Bible were compiled when they claim to have been compiled and apart from minor clerical errors in copying in some manuscripts, that the Bible has remained unchanged throughout time. Additionally, the Bible was compiled by over 40 different authors over a period of 1500 years and their accounts agree without contradiction. The Quran, compiled by one author, 500 years after the Bible was completed, itself has remained unchanged from its inception. This one authors account contradicts every one of the 40 or so who came before him in almost every detail of the story. Yet it seems to be a version of the same story. Will the real scriptures please stand up!
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 10:28:00 +0000

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