THE BIG LIST OF JOHN KEYS LIES : His Investment Bankers origins - TopicsExpress


THE BIG LIST OF JOHN KEYS LIES : His Investment Bankers origins have taught him to work for the money not for the people : The same we see with all the politicians around the world who work hand in hand with the big banks. Instant Financial benefits no doubt but a life time of debt : DEBT till no escape is exctally the course they want to take us down but all while putting gliter on it only emhasising the benefits of borrowing and sale of assets along with the trade agreements which will make us the 52nd state of the US. The TPPA results in a common provision allowing foreign investors to sue host governments has become a ticking time bomb inside trade agreements like the soon to be signed Trans Pacific Partnership. Some countries are now refusing to agree to the provision and are questioning its legal legitimacy. But John Key : National favours it ! So here goes 1 John Key claimed that he didnt know about the Exclusive Brethren tactics. False. 2 John Key claimed that he didnt have Tranz Rail Shares. False. • He actually said he had between 25k - 50k shares, but after a journalist discovered his family trust had also bought some, he changed it to 100k. Still dodgy, but not quite claiming he didnt have any. /u/jandalofdoom reddit/r/newzealand/comments/293rq9/labour_vindicated_by_lius_error_story_politics_3/cih5yvz • Herald: Key accused of lying over Tranz Rail shares 3 John Key claimed that he didnt own a vineyard. False •John Key and his vineyard investments 4 John Key claimed that he voted to keep the drinking age at 20. False. •One more from NBR 5 John Key claimed that he didnt know about the renewal of the BMW contract in 2011. False. 6 John Key claimed the wage gap between New Zealand and Australia had closed under the National government. False. 7 John Key claimed that his office had no involvement with the SkyCity deal. False. 8 John Key claimed that the Sky City deal will provide 1000 construction jobs and 800 casino jobs. False. 9 John Key claimed that all five bidders for the convention centre were treated equally. False. 10 John Key claimed that Solid Energy asked the government for a $1 billion capital investment. False. 11 John Key claimed that the 2011 Budget would create in the order of 170,000 jobs. False. 12 John Key claimed that NZ SAS soldiers were not involved in the Kabul Hotel gunfight. False. 13 John Key claimed that Iain Rennie recommended Ian Fletcher for the GCSB job. False. 14 John Key claimed that he hadnt seen Ian Fletcher in a long time. False. 15 John Key claimed that it was always the intent of the GCSB Act to be able to spy on New Zealanders. False. - Not sure what this one means. 16 John Key claimed that the illegal spying on Kim Dotcom was an isolated incident. False. 17 John Key claimed that the bulk of New Zealanders earn between $45,000 and $75,000 a year. False. •According to Statistics New Zealands New Zealand Income Survey results for the June 2010 the median income (the amount which half the people in the country earn below) was $529 per week, which equates to $27508 per year. 18 John Key claimed that he is honest and upfront. False - see above. 19 Video of John Key on the campaign trail in 2008 ruling out a rise in GST if he won the election. False 20 On privatising assets, I dont believe thats gonna turn the New Zealand economy around. False /u/John_Banks 21 update 10/07/2014, National promised in its 2011 election manifesto all state houses which could be practically insulated would be. False In answer to written questions this week, Housing Minister Nick Smith said of the 30 percent of the 68,000 houses under Housing New Zealands management had not been insulated. 22 More GCSB - at least Keys pal is in charge now... The spymaster who initially cleared the Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) of illegally snooping on Kim Dotcom was also directly involved in seeking the suppression order signed by Bill English as Acting Prime Minister. The Herald has learned former chief legal adviser Hugh Wolfensohn was involved in arranging the once-in-a-decade certificate which sought to bury the scandal. The Prime Minister confirmed yesterday for the first time it was Mr Wolfensohns advice that quelled GCSB and police fears they had illegally spied on Mr Dotcom and his co-accused Bram van der Kolk. He told Parliament: The best of the legal advice presented by Hugh Wolfensohn was that it was legal. As we now know, GCSB and Mr Wolfensohn were wrong.* Mr Wolfensohn no longer works at the bureau after being placed on gardening leave. A spokesman for the GCSB said of Mr Wolfensohns advice: With hindsight, we know it wasnt right. 23 John Key: Ive never lied about Kim Dotcom, 21/11/2012 False - from 5 Oct 2012 and One video exposes Key, GCSB’s & Banks’ Dotcom lies 24 Gerry Brownlee breaches airport security rules. Every other National MP that has broken much less serious rules (and got caught) has been removed from their position. Hypocrisy •Using the exit door jokes, optional. 25 Genesis energy asset sales will be predominantly mum and dad buyers. False. A controversial American couple are the biggest investors in recently floated Genesis Energy - sparking angry claims the Government has been caught out screwing the scrum against mum and dad Kiwi buyers. 26 The good news was I was having dinner with Ngāti Porou, as opposed to their neighbouring Iwi ,which was Tuhoi, in which case I would have been dinner (audio) 27 Prime Minister is claiming repeatedly that Nicky Hagar has “made stuff up”. False & False 28 Key said I wasnt told about expedited OIA release to Cameron Slater from the SIS, that subsequently embarrassed then Labour leader Phil Goff. (Allegedly, 21/08/14), False The documents were released in a day, rather than the usual 20 days and according to leaked emails, Slater knew about the contents of the OIA before receiving it. Dr. Warren Tucker, then head of the SIS, said in a letter that Phil Goff now has, that he informed the PM (and SIS Minister) about the OIA request.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 21:15:31 +0000

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