THE BIG QUESTION GOES THUS: How prepared are you? Because no man - TopicsExpress


THE BIG QUESTION GOES THUS: How prepared are you? Because no man knowneth the day nor the hour. Jesus said But of that day and hour knoweth no man, not the angels of heaven but my Father Mat. 24:36. The purpose of this message is to deliver to you the specific message of Jesus Christ, the MASTER AND THE RESURRACTED SAVIOUR, who ascended to heaven to prepare a place for all believers. The major message commissioned to this passage is be ready, Jesus is coming very soon You ought to allow Him to be pre-eminent in your life irrespective of your race, gender, status or belief. The glorious return of Jesus is inevitable. If all prophecies about His advent were fulfiled, His return is as sure as His ascension. Act. 1:9-11. He himself has announced it and gave specific details in Mat. 24:36-39. Dont believe in heresy that Jesus is coming to marry, to have family and to die like man, these are false teachings. He is coming as a KING and the LION of the TRIBE of JUDAH to judge the world. The righteous will reign with Him in His kingdom. The wicked, that is the unrepentant sinners will be condemned into lake of fire. If the trumpet should sound today. Will you be ready? THE WORLD IS LIKE A MARKET PLACE: Remember, this world is like a market place, your spirit is on loan to you for the period of your sojourn here on earth, it shall return eventually to God to give account of your life. The bible put it this way, when you die, then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return to God who gace it Eccl. 12:7. One day you shall sleep and not make up to this world again. Be ready that, that day does not come upon you unaware. You may be on a journey or at work or on a sick bed. Vanity upon vanity, saith the preacher, all is vanity Eccl. 12:8. It could be an accident, be ready, Jesus is coming back very very soon. Depart from evil, and do good, seek peace and pursue it. (Psalm 34:14). Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ today, and thou shall be saved. Acts. 16:31. Listen to this gentle voice today, pleading to you, heaven is real and hell fire is also real. The choice is yours, where do you want to spend your enternity? No room for Christ in your heart, repent today because tomorrow might be too late. JESUS IS COMING VERY SOON to take His brides home, will you be ready? Rev. 19:7. The Bible put it thus, your life is only a vapour. James 4:13-15. Remember that, your preparation for eternal life is a life time exercise that has no option. Remember the Lord your God in the days of your youth. Eccl. 12:1. Today is the acceptable time, begin the race to eternity now. Accept the Lord Jesus as your personal Lord and Saviour, Confess your sins now and forsake them all. Ask God for dorgiveness. Believe that you are forgiven and you will be free. You too ought to forgive everyone who might have hurt you because you are now a new creature in Christ Jesus, old things are passed away. 2Cor. 5:17. Sleeping believers will you be ready? my lovely pals will you be ready? Careless virgins it is time to wake up, trim your lamp and refuel because the Lord is COMING VERY SOON. May the Lord Jesus help your preparation. Amen and Amen. Bless you. By bro. Prince Cletus E. (Anacle).
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:07:47 +0000

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