THE BIG WHITE ELEPHANT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM Fellow Sierra Leoneans, as we enter the New Year of 2015, our country is facing wide spread human devastation caused by the Ebola virus that is taking pressure lives, causing fears, psychological trauma, and despair among our people. As a result, the Ebola crisis is causing economic, social, physiological, physical, and political instability in our country. In addition, we are presently facing the problems of corruption, lawlessness, teenage pregnancy, juvenile delinquency, unemployment, lack of transparency and accountability and the inability of the government to control the spread of Ebola. The question is: Is Sierra Leone a failed State? The answer is No. If Yes why? What are the causal effects? And what are the solutions to the problems? As a nation, our problems are many but to name a few: poverty, hunger, diseases, and ignorance, and isms, behavioral and attitudinal issues; in addition, weak governmental institutions (legislative, executive, and judiciary), and weak performance of public and private sector, high level of bureaucracy, and corruption. Presently, the real problem in Sierra Leone is THE BIG WHITE ELEPHANT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM. The signs of the best are wide spread corruption, nepotism, cronyism, indiscipline, mismanagement, and media harassment rooted on a weak ineffective, and or nonfunctional public and private sector. Sierra Leoneans are hero worshipers, we are always looking for a Messiah, and we are quick to accept even the devil as the Messiah. We worship the best or the Messiah and we believe that the best or the Messiah is always right. We all know that the Big White Elephant, but the code is: see no evil, hear no evil, talk no evil and write about no evil. The best is a wolf in sheep clothing. He governs using the law of the best, by acting dishonestly, applying the cunning of the fox, and the strength of the lion to achieve his goal. He makes us believe that the party is bigger than the self, political party loyalty is golden, and political party orientation is a religion. He promised you the world, but lives you with empty dreams. He promotes ethnic divisions, tribalism, and regionalism. I was a strong disciple of the best, with a cave mentality. To satisfied his personal glorification, greed, evil, and selfishness needs, the white elephant is planning to destroy our fragile democracy, using constitutional review and Ebola or health state of emergency camouflages. The breeding grounds for these White Elephants are our two major political parties. They are the cancerous worms or cancer of our country; they have failed us, and killing the country slowly. They preach tribalism, sectionalism, and separatism. Knowing the 1991 Sierra Leone Constitution; abolishing the two major political parties is the solution to the problem, but forming an Ad Hoc or Time-based political movement that will promote change and transformation. We The People of Sierra Leone must unite and organize a Course Based Collaboration. Sierra Leoneans at home and abroad must come together to develop a collusion of the willing. We need to organize an Ad Hoc or Time-based political movement that will enhance the standard of living of all Sierra Leoneans. The movement, together with people must plan, organize, identify honest brokers, promote change, share the interest of our people, bring stakeholders together around shared causes, and take our leaders to task. To lead the change: we need to establish a sense of urgency, create the guiding coalition, develop a vision and a strategy, communicate the change vision, empower a broad based action, generate short term wins, consolidate our gains, produce more change, and anchor new approaches in the political systems. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, and May The Most High God Bless Sierra Leone. If you love Sierra Leone or like this material please share and spread the message because the sprite is out of the bottle.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 14:43:47 +0000

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