THE BIGGEST MISTAKES WHEN BUYING A USED CAR! Most used-car shoppers buy with their eyes. The right color. The right options. The right brand. The overwhelming majority of buyers have been immersed in an ocean of new-car advertising that make a cars looks seem like the most important ingredient in the recipe. So what do most do in the end? They try to find the best looking car at the lowest price, and it doesnt matter if the car comes from a dealership or a driveway. *** I know everyone out there is looking for a deal, but remember the price is not as important as the condition of the car. I can find you cars in lower price ranges, but will they be reliable? Will they ending up costing you more money in repairs in the long run? Will you lose a lot more money when you go to resell? Dont think short-term, think long term. As a car dealer for 15 years and an auto auctioneer for hundreds of public auctions, I can tell you that most people inexplicably fall in love with a pretty car and truck for all the wrong reasons. They make up their mind before knowing all the facts — even when their future transportation needs are dependent on a vehicle with hundreds of possible faults and tens of thousands of parts. *** Especially for those of you that have a family. You have to think safety and reliability first. Do you really want your car breaking down on the road in the winter even with your family in the car? What are the worst errors when it comes to buying a used car? Let me give you the short version of a long list. Better yet, let me help you overcome them. 10. Trusting what you see online 90% of Korean used car advertisments are fake. They post unrealistic prices and pictures of cars that no longer are for sale or dont exist. This is to lure you in. You call them and they will tell you they have the car and make you travel long distances to get you to come to them. When you get there, the car has magically already sold or they will show you a different car altogether only to show you a more expensive one. OR they will quote you a certain price and when you get there they add taxes, registration fees, commission, etc... and that may end up 2-5 mil more than the original price they quoted you. Even trusted sites such as SK encar have many fake postings. Dont fall for that trick. Just because SK is a trusted major company in Korea, doesnt mean that what you see is what you get. Sk encar generates their own used car ads but also sell advertising to shady used car dealers all over Korea. These dealers pay SK encar to post advertisements of their own while being able to post the all famous SK on their ad. Im not going to brag about myself but what can be more trustworthy than the testimonials and comments from previous buyers right here on my own page? 8. Falling in love and Relying on words alone There are over 230 million vehicles on the road. That beautiful car of your dreams was likely assembled tens of thousands of times over the course of four to ten years. So even if that car looks like an object of automotive lust, dont fall in love until you do the required due diligence. ** This is especially important for the bait and switch advertisements you see all over the internet in Korea. I have worked in one of these bait and switch car lots when I first started out. They sit all the newbie employees in front of a computer, you go through all these pictures of cars through sites like naver, other car ads, etc... You copy and paste pics of cars that look the nicest with the best options, in the best condition, with low km, and then once youve given a detailed description of the car on your own advertisement you post a much lower price. As humans, you will more than likely take interest in the same car with a lower price. this is how they lure you in. When you get there they will tell you things like, the car has sold, the car we posted actually has a lot of accidents and it was an insurance write off, the engine caught fire, etc... I didnt feel comfortable with lying to my customers, so I quit after 3 months. Take the advice from someone who experienced how they work personally. Dont believe everything these shady dealers tell you. They are trained to talk like that and have an excuse for every question. 2. Believing in myths Hundreds of thousands of people still routinely trade in their vehicles at the 100,000-mile mark even though most well-engineered powertrains can now last well over 250,000 miles. The same issue also applies to certain types of cars. There are those customers who will never buy a certain model just because someone they know had a bad experience with one. Never mind that this happened 20+ years ago and that car to avoid no longer has the same engine, transmission, or parent owner. You want a great vehicle? Avoid the myths. 1. Not investing a little more to get the better car. ** This is pretty self explanitory.
Posted on: Thu, 16 Oct 2014 04:11:07 +0000

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