THE BIRTH OF MAGIC: Magic, witchcraft and paganism is generally - TopicsExpress


THE BIRTH OF MAGIC: Magic, witchcraft and paganism is generally thought to stem from the Medieval era - however, magic has much deeper historical roots. Mankinds relation with the world of Magical incantation and calling of spirits dates back to the very dawn of history. From the moment that mankind gave an animal a NAME he realised that the animal could be called and beckoned. Spirits were therefore named and came to be addressed in repetitive incantations - telepathic communication with the personalities of these gods, angels and demons began to influence Mankind even before crop planting had developed. Several uniquely recognisable gods soon emerged - such as the feline-headed humanoid gods which were worshipped by way of carved ivory figurines in Germany around 28,000 years BC. Strangely, similar feline-headed humanoids revealed themselves to the Ayahuasqueros magicians in the Amazon - so these particular spirit entities, or gods, seem to be universal. Long before recognisable written language existed, cave paintings such as we find at the Apollo cave complex in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe and in the Kimberley, Western Australia, portray elements of magical ceremony and physical-spiritual communication with gods [such as the Great Mother Spirit]... In fact the first written word in history GITLIS may in fact be the original name for an Aboriginal god who resembles a strange spaceman painted by Aboriginals in Australia before history was even invented... Much, much later in human history, actual written magical spells can be found in the earliest known Iraqi cuneiform clay tablets and earliest excavated writings on animal skin, tree bark and cave walls. Magic is linked to astrology and astronomy - and the earliest constructions such as Woodhenge in Wiltshire are astronomical markers of constellations and planets which have been associated with the invocation and personalities of spiritual beings for thousands of years. More than 9,000 years ago in Turkey, and at the city of Uruk in Iraq [from the 5th and 4th centuries BCE] magical and astrological sigils can be found inscribed on stele of stone. Amulets and pocket talismans with repetitive love charms and rhymes thought to bring healing and luck and good fortune in relationships date back to the earliest dynastic period of Egypt. Make no mistake - magic is not medieval - it is in fact a major foundation pillar to society - it is only nowadays that we see magic scoffed at by Christians and the mainstream media. The Egyptian royal families sponsored the development of their own magical system known as Heka. The Egyptian magical brotherhoods were fused with the astrological and astronomical research of the invading Macedonian and Greek philosophers after Alexander the Great invaded Egypt in 332 BCE. This triggered a wave of interchange in mystical and magical ideas between Greece and Egypt. The Coptic writing system evolved, and the Library of Alexandria was established. Some of the earliest works from this period are magical incantations to promote wealth and health. At Nag Hammadi, mystical writings fusing Plato and tripped-out magical Creation Myths inspired the so called Nag Hammadi Codices which were discovered just after the second world war. The standard Magic of the medieval period is generally thought to have evolved amongst the ancient Jewish cults of the Essenes at Qumran and also in the brotherhoods of Chaldea on the shores of the Persian gulf. At Carcassonne castle in the south of France, a statue of Barbelo - one of the major characters/concepts portrayed in the Nag Hammadi Codices - guards the drawbridge to the castle which was a receptacle for the Holy Grail knowledge of magic brought back to Medieval Europe by the Knights Templar. Moses is generally believed to be the inventor of the systems of magic written in Grimoires which were circulated in medieval Europe. Moses himself was seen as an Egyptian sorcerer rather than a Jew, and two manuscripts likely to date to the 4th century, both of which purport to be the legendary Eighth Book of Moses (the first five being the initial books in the Biblical Old Testament), present him as a powerful magician under employment of the Egyptian royal elite to conjure gods and demons. The Eighth Book of Moses is just one of about two dozen magical text books of incantation and spirit summoning rituals which are now known as Grimoires. The word means grammar and the spelling and pronounciation of the names of the demons, gods and angels has to be performed with great accuracy to ensure the correct entities are invited into the magic circle or seance. It was this specific knowledge which the Knights Templar traded with the Rabbis of 11th and 12th century France in exchange for launching Crusades to kill and subdue Saladin and the Muslim factions who had gained superiority in Israel-Palestine. Those exact same crusades which sacrifice the bodies of gentiles in a war against Islam inspired by the Hebrew-magical elite are what shapes our current geopolitical scene and the $17 trillion war-debt created in a quest to destroy and erase the Islamic influence on world history by factions whose masters are members of various magical secret societies. It those secret societies who are the subject of a new 42-part TV series which I have been busy researching - the first episodes are now being broadcast on the enigma channel enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/Sign_Up.html You can get a free iBook on these subjects here enigmatv/the_enigma_channel/Free_iBooks.html - be patient, the server gets very busy.
Posted on: Wed, 02 Jul 2014 20:12:35 +0000

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