THE BLAME GAME! Lets talk about the blame game. Its so much - TopicsExpress


THE BLAME GAME! Lets talk about the blame game. Its so much easier to point a finger than to take responsibility yourself, isnt it? Poor God, how often He is blamed for all the suffering in the world! How quick we are to point the finger at inept and corrupt govt leaders who have rendered the economy weak and jobless. How sad is it to blame our present predicaments on our poor backgrounds in life. If a man who had no legs could climb to the apex of Mount Everest, whats your excuse? If our leaders have failed our generation, could we not prove to them that we are capable of taking our generation to the next level? Everyone wants to blame someone. Just dont put your blame finger away yet. We must point it at the person in the mirror--yes you! What action are you taking today to remedy yourself from the situation you find yourself in. Whining and complaining will bring you more misery! An important decision i made was to resist playing the blame game. The day i realised that i am in charge of how i approach problems in my life, that things will turn out better or worse because of me and nobody else, that was the day i knew i would be a happier and healthier person. And that was the day i knew i could truly build a life that matters! Remember that you will have to go out there and get what you want. No one else will do that for you! Nobody cares how your life turns out. You are the only person responsible for how your life turns out. People who succeed are not those who have had the best circumstances, but those who have taken responsibility to change themselves as well as their circumstances. Avoid the penalties of the blame game. You were born to be a boss player, not a blame giver. Stop the blame! Admin inspire# In this time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act -George orwell. In the end, we as human are the ones that created hate, poverty, oppression and injustices by our own hands and only when we sincerely decide to end such - will a path and solution open for mankind! We must strive to make our country better by making ourselves better- It all starts with us- our morals, characters etc - When we as the Youths truly wake up and decide we want our country to be better- When we truly want change; just then will our politicians in different level respect us for who we are(Youths- The future of Nigeria) In the end; If you truly want to make the world a better place - take a look at yourself and make a change- Be that driving positive force that pushes people to change evil in themselves just by watching your positivity Be wise! Be warned! Be a productive Youth! Nigerian Youths Alliance aims at building a truly strong united Nigerian Youths Network Why not be part of this great making? Be part of this great making as we take the Nigerian stage by suprise! The time is now. The time is here. Motto: The Youths are the leaders of tomorrow -the Nigerian Youths have A say and we demand to be heard! Dont forget to like our Page for more updates. For Enguries email: Nigerianyouthsalliance22@gmail
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 14:08:28 +0000

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