THE BLESSINGS OF THE FATHER. To every race there is always a - TopicsExpress


THE BLESSINGS OF THE FATHER. To every race there is always a finishing line to determine the winner. Like the saying "Winners are never losers and losers are never winners. How smart or slow you are in running your race is never the issue but your finishing ability shows how important you are to your world.. Here is the story of a man called Pro. Tom. Prof. Tom is a man of high reputation. He hard all he wanted in his career and business. He is a man every student would want to listen to and a business man every business minded person would want to associate with. One day Prof. Tom decided to share the story of his life. Which he captured " THE HANGING BLESSINGS" Life is a puzzl. He continued... Your today is a gift and your tomorrow is always a mystery. Anything in life you can not give an answer to becomes a mystery. Never under estimate the power of your parents. I my early years of life, I made wealth and had friends all around me. My family and everyone in my neighborhood felt the impact of my wealth. To my business friends, I established many and sponsored others to foreign countries to have better lives. All these achievements kept me at the peak of my career and business. But one big question one may now want to ask here is " what becomes the hanging blessing after been so much blessed? Like the job in the Bible, nature showed me the other side of life. Everything I had worked for, went down the drain. It all started from my office at the campus where I lecture, I got fired due to an allegations that I had no idea of. Just after that, I was arrested for the murder of my student I decided to give a ride on my way Home. How can my kindness lead to my downfall? I asked myself. Before I knew it, The news had gone out like wide fire. My story became the top story of every news paper. Friends and family members saw me as a disgusting fellow who is heartless. How can you use you fellow man for rituals was the question everyone asked on seeing me. Following the media reports, every business associates, avoided my been seen around them. Before I knew it, the church where I fellowship, wrote a letter suspending me from holding any religious position. Where do I start and who shall believe my story. If church could reject me? This and many more, where the questions that puzzled my mind. Just some few weeks after the rejection, I was made to stand before the court for persecutions. After the hearing of my case, the judge passed a 10 years jail term on me. What have I done to man and who could be the one after my life? Where the questions I asked as I narrate my story to Mr Paul in the prison. Mr paul is a man of God who was accused of rapping his church members. God where are you? Exclaimed Mr Paul upon hearing my story. Where are you parents? Requested Mr paul. My parents! My parents!! I murmur. Is there anything wrong with your parents? He requested. Well, I continued.. I was brought up by a single parent. My Dad left my mum for a strange woman when I was a teenager and since then I hated him and wished never to set my eyes on him. Though he had come to seek for my help but I backed him off. To my lovely mum, she had gone to join the lord. You mean you backed your father off because he doopt you when you were younger? Asked paul. Yes. I responded. And I have warned him never to come close to my residence. Tom! Tom!! He Exclaimed my name. The best gift any man can receive in life, is the gift of a parent. No matter what and who they are, they still remain your parents. And they can never be replaced. They are our Treasure and we must value them. God blesses us and uses our prophets to seal up his blessings but THE BEST AND MOST POWERFUL BLESSING IS THE BLESSINGS OF THE FATHER. Words spoken by your parents over you either in anger or happiness, is More HEAVIER AND PRECIOUS THAN A DRUM FULL OF ANOINTED OIL FROM ANY MAN OF GOD. So, trace your steps back to your father and get his HANGING BLESSINGS. After hearing all these, my heart melted and I requested for my Dad. When my Dad finally showed up, he wept on seeing me accursed and suffering for something I knew nothing about. After hearing my story, he embraced and kissed me. And said " I BELIEVE AND I ACCEPT YOU EVEN IF THE WORLD CONDEMN YOU. I bless you from the dept of my heart and I speak favor over you. After saying these few words, my burden was lifted off me. Few days after that meeting with my dad, the governor of the state ordered immediate release of some innates following his wedding anniversary and my name was included. According to the order, we are expected to meet with the governor personally. When, it was my turn to meet with him, his personal assistance(PA) stepped in. Mr Tom! What are you doing here requested the P.A Do you know him? Asked the Governor. Yes. Responded the P.A. This man called Tom was the man who saw me through school without knowing me. He gave scholarship to people that had no helping hands but believes in their dreams. When the Governor heard all these, he was moved and requested my file be brought before him. After reviewing my file, he immediately gave me an immediate appointment. Friends, Right there and then, I was given everything I needed. It was at this point, it really dawned on me that TRULY THE BEST AND MOST POWERFUL BLESSING IS THE BLESSINGS OF THE FATHER. Moral lesson. Never under estimate power within your parents. Their blessings will always keep you even in your most distressing state. Thanks for reading. Abasa Glory
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 09:13:13 +0000

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