THE BLOODY BATTLE RAGING AT THE TOWER OF BABEL. The next development in this bloody Battle is found at the place called the Tower of Babel. It follows in Gen. 11. God saw that men where congregating even though He had made the continents. He (God) saw they were able to accomplish many amazing things, even trying to build their own way to Heaven. Their great unity was a common language. So God decided that in order to bring the Redeemer, He would bring confusion of tongues. The reason there are thousands of languages in the world today is again, the mercy of God seeking to separate wicked men from good men - in order that He might ultimately fulfil His first promise to mankind. the truth of the Bible is that light has no relationship with the unbeliever and that righteous people should not intermarry with sinners; that Godly people should not marry the heathen. God separates His people from the Devils people. The colossal phenomenon performed at the Tower of Babel. One morning the people woke up and where there was one language, now there are thousands. This caused the work on the tower to cease. People crossed oceans, deserts and mountains. They went every where in order to be separated one from another. This was again, Gods way of defeating Satan and proving to him that one day the promised Redeemer would come, who would bruise his head. The greatest and deepest sins were first committed in Babel (Babylon) . For this reason God as always been against enormous concentrations of humanity. There is first rebellion against God; next, rebellion against law and order in government; and then rebellion against ones fellow man. In other words, there is murder, assault, thieving, etc. Also, big cities create antisocial situations, where men and women get divorced and their children suffer as juvenile delinquents. Great cities can become cesspools of iniquity and crime, out of which evil and filthy things come, causing rebellion against God. God had to confuse the language of this first city to move them back to the farm and simple living, that through this, He might bring a Redeemer to the world. Possibly, the same night, that all the languages were created, God also changed the likeness of the physical person and created the races. This was a further separation of mankind because of sin. GOD IS AHEAD IN THE RACE... to be continued.
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 21:02:33 +0000

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