THE BODILESS (MIND AND REASON) Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was - TopicsExpress


THE BODILESS (MIND AND REASON) Genesis 1:2 “And the earth was without form, and void; There is nothing void. All that is is filled with something, and only that which is not can truly be said to be void. This means that the void is only another name for nothing. The point to be born in mind is that no thing can be void, if there is a void, it is because there is nothing, all things must contain something. Nothing is ever empty of contents. Were it empty it would not be. There is no such thing as an empty cask, an empty jar, an empty cup, or an empty vat. There are no vacuums. These things are not empty but hollow. All hollow things are filled with air. Air is a body composed of the same elements as are all other bodies. All bodies are composed of the union of the four elements: Earth, or the cold principle; Air, or the dry element; Fire, or the hot element, and Water, or the moist element. It is the union of these four elements that causes all the physical elements. All bodies are formed in this way, and it is the preponderance of the particular element that determines whether the body shall be of an Earthy, a Fiery, a Watery or an Airy nature. Whatever is composed of these four elements in diverse proportions is a body. Air in the atmospheric sense is a body, because it contains all of these elements in its composition. Though because of the fact the Dry element of Air is in the preponderance, it is of the nature of air. Thus it is to be seen that because air is made up of the blending of the four it is therefore a body as much so as is any physical organism a body. Hollow things being filled with air, they are filled with a body, and hence are full, and not empty. That which is empty of fluids or solids is full of air, and that which is full of liquids or solids is empty of air, therefore, one thing is as empty as another, just as it is as full as another thing. As long as air, the four or even the spirit is present in any thing, it is not void but full of that which it contains. Therefore, there is, and can never be any such thing as a void in all the universe. All things, that is, all material organisms, are filled with air being, in fact, nothing other than receptacles for air. This entire Kosmos moves as a single body though of course there are multitudes of bodies moving within it. However, we have here to deal with the Kosmos moving as a single body. Moving as a body it must move in something; that is, there must be a space in which the Kosmic Body moves, and that space must be something other than the Kosmos This space must be Bodiless for the reason that all bodies, as well as the All Body moves in it, hence it cannot be a body but must be just the reverse of body; that is, it must of necessity be bodiless. Being bodiless it cannot contain the four elements but must be composed of something higher than the four What can be the nature of this bodiless space which is not composed of the four? It is composed of Mind and Reason. Mind is the higher or Spiritual Principle, while Reason is the Manifestation of this Mind in Hyle Mind and Logos then are the two Principles entering into the composition of Pure Space. These are not compounded of other principles but are in themselves Pure Principles. That is to say, they are Essences and not compounds, as are all other things. Mind and Reason are self-embracing or containing self within themselves. They are contained by nothing but themselves. They, in themselves, are one, there being nothing of their Essence contained in anything but themselves. This Bodiless Space exists nowhere but in itself. It is never transformed into anything else but is at all times this Pure Space and nothing else. This is the Arupa or Formless realm. Here there can be no error for it is free from the misleading influence of form, and likewise it is composed of Mind and Reason alone. Hence it is all Intelligent. It contains all, for it is the space in which all moves. At the same time it must be understood that this Space is the Vehicle or Receptacle in which all that emanates from the Realm above is deposited and preserved. Nothing can emanate from the Above which does not enter this Space and there abide.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 06:34:08 +0000

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