THE BONDAGE OF RELIGION I should have kept my mouth shut knowing - TopicsExpress


THE BONDAGE OF RELIGION I should have kept my mouth shut knowing we are a nation of religious fanatics, people who live in fear and awe of pastors more than that of God. But then again I realize I would be joining the band wagon of fearful population who have been brainwashed into believing that a particular set of people are beyond criticism no matter how constructive you might be. It has become the most thriving business in Nigeria, expanding often into real estate and chains of other businesses. Exploiting aggressively the failed education system by providing private posh alternatives which are usually beyond the reach of members…church business! Where the political robbers stopped, the church is taking over, the trashing of Nigeria’s economy by the political class has left the masses so vulnerable and open to spiritual alternatives to the poverty situation. Outsourcing man-made problems with man- made solutions to the supernatural has become the trend in our today’s society. While we rightfully think our fore fathers were ignorant when they made sacrifices and adhered to supernatural believes even when it was dangerous or downright inhumane, we have gradually developed belief system which allows for fear of the unknown to defeat the confidence ordinarily gained from the confidence of the known. Whereas our fore fathers have the excuse of ignorance we have no excuse aside that of refusal to question theories and reluctance to develop a realistic approach to the accepted theories all fuelled by the twisted biblical concepts spewed from our altars. When water, a chemical compound which covers 71% of the earth’s surface starts selling in sealed bottles as a cure for Aids and whatever ailment one suffers from and people patronize the ‘business’ in troupes then there is a serious problem, much worse than the ailment which cure is sought for. Unfortunately this is the bondage, the Nigerian society presently revels in. when the number of churches and mosque’s currently outnumbers that of schools and there is no corresponding reduction in corruption and other social ills or any increase in the image of the country so many questions begs to be answered. When a Nigerian Governor gets headache, he runs to America for treatment, but when you interview him, he will tell you that he has built world class hospitals in his state, this might show that the governor is really insensitive to his people but what is worse is when a pastor travels to America to treat his headache but tells his members to buy and drink a bottle of ‘holy water’ blessed by him and sold by his church as cure for whatever illness plaguing them. What is even more shocking is that people, some very educated ones fall prey to these scams! The painful one is the less educated ones who are made to believe that doubting that their pastors ‘holy water’ will not cure them shows lack of faith! The dissection of the bible has become an art which Nigerians have perfected, in a multi religious multi denominational Nation like Nigeria the business of manipulation and brainwash of hapless Nigerians by these aggressive suited conmen has become the order of the day. Hiding under the cloak of religion, these men has robbed both the rich and the poor through the dissection and manipulation of the bible. Single verses are singled out and translated and interpreted until it means something akin to lies sold by the dubious money doublers of old. Seeds are sown in foreign currency; miracles are bought and sold on daily bases that selling tickets to heaven will not be beyond these crafty men. Tithing has become the single most preached principle from the bible and you don’t need anybody to tell you why. The principle has been so manipulated that unsuspecting housewives pay tithe for babies yet to be conceived, don’t ask me how they calculate the babies income to be able to bring out the much touted ten percent; leave it for the suited conmen at our pulpits to come up with the formula. Right now, political corruption is taking all the attention, but the way we are headed the bigger scam is breeding in the church, but the people at the helm of this act are still untouchable because we are still under the bondage of religion orchestrated by the years of brainwash…tomorrow might be different!
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 21:42:02 +0000

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