THE BOOK OF REVELATION CHAPTER 21 VERSE 6 -- PART 1 AND HE SAID UNTO ME, IT IS DONE. I AM ALPHA AND OMEGA, THE BEGINNING AND THE END. I WILL GIVE UNTO HIM THAT IS ATHIRST OF THE FOUNTAIN OF THE WATER OF LIFE FREELY. The voice of God, that proceeds from the Central throne, relates directly to John the situation: And He said unto me, it is done. It has occurred, things have progressed according to my Word and Will. It has become fulfilled prophecy, Revelation 10:6. Although John was receiving the prophecies of the Book of Revelation in a vision and the prophecies would be fulfilled at the end of times, this voice told John, It is as good, as certain, as if it were already done. Sin and wickedness, roots, stock, branch are as good as already abolished, because they are already abolished in Gods future plan. It appears part of the crowning glory of fulfilled prophecy is the new earth, the new heaven, and the new city, Revelation 16:17. This voice identified Himself; I am ALPHA and OMEGA; or I exist as the Alpha and Omega. I am all that maybe expressed in the alphabet, in any language, I am the A to Z. This gives us further evidence that this voice is that of the Almighty, Revelation 1:8. To interate further what He is defining Himself as; the Eternal Jehovah God states; I AM: The beginning and the end. That is: I am the origin and the completion, of all things that have existence, or ever will exist, Hebrews 1:10 thru 12.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 12:19:18 +0000

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