THE BRIDAL COMPANY & THE VEIL! In the last FB post we talked - TopicsExpress


THE BRIDAL COMPANY & THE VEIL! In the last FB post we talked about the two anointings of Esther.... 6 months bitter Myhrr and 6 months sweet perfumes. Now we come to another mystery of preparation of the bride. I chose two pictures for this...the bride having the veil removed by the groom and Moses, whom the Bible says But when Moses went in before the LORD to speak with him, he took the veil off.. (Exodus 34:34) It is a great privilege to be summoned by God into a place of communion. Only a remnant of mankind is pursued by that voice. If you are hearing the call you cant afford to be too busy with other things to answer. HOW DOES THIS TRANSFORMATION HAPPEN? IT IS BY THE UNVEILED FACE! But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. (2 Cor 3:18) The veil has to do with intimacy and knowledge. The god of this world blinds the minds of unbelievers so that they can not see the light of Gods glory in the face of Jesus Christ. But the Lord of Glory pulls this darkened understanding away from us and lifts the veil from our face so that the eyes of our hearts may be enlightened. We enter into a place of really knowing Him by spending real time BEHOLDING THE GLORY OF THE LORD. As our face is unveiled we are transformed into His image. What does it mean to lift the veil? How do we actually do this? Do we lift the veil or does the bridegroom lift the veil? Do you remember when Jesus said this? No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him. (Mt 11:27) Jesus will unveil who the Father is and the Father will reveal who Jesus is. Paul said this light is in the face-off Jesus Christ. If we start with a focus on the face of JESUS we will get a revelation of his finished work. He so covers our every sin and weakness that we can find a place to make a divine exchange. GRACE is.. G.ods R.iches A.t C.hrists E.xpense. He bankrupted heaven to buy your redemption. He paid in blood for His Bride. NO VEIL MEANS - We do not need to be like Adam and Eve COVERING UP and HIDING! We can come in the nakedness of our human condition not fearing our own unrighteousness because we can be clothed in the complete righteousness of God in Christ. 1. WE lift the veil to expose our need and condition. 2. He then LIFTS THE VEIL off our spiritual eyes to behold His face. In Roman times they did not have glass for mirror, they had bronze surfaces hammered as flat as possible to create a reflective surface. If you stood before that mirror, when the sun hit that metal it reflected back on your face with a fiery glow. The Spirit wants to reveal who Jesus is right now...who He is FOR YOUR SAKE so you can see who you REALLY ARE because of Him. Read it again: But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit. Take this seriously, because one key verse says: The BRIDE has made herself ready. You make yourself ready by renewing your mind to WHO HE IS and WHO YOU ARE and WHAT you are called to do. When the doing comes from this place of intimacy an end time revival is going to shake the planet and the bridegroom will return for the bride. Your doing completes your preparation for this company. The Spirit and the bride say come... Come now into this company of overcomers.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 08:14:50 +0000

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