THE BROKEN POT. Olisa as usual sat at the out skirt of - TopicsExpress


THE BROKEN POT. Olisa as usual sat at the out skirt of the Bomaasi market which sees serious market transactions on thursdays. Being the most creative and the only potter in the whole bomaasi village, he had come to sell his pottery wares. As a cripple who could on walk with aid of a pair of crutches, ppeople from the neighbouring villages wonder how he conveys all the pots from his house to the market square which to the villagers is no mystery. Olisa pays the children in the village to perform what ever duties that needs activeness which he couldnt perform due to his disability. Once, teku, olisas best friend and the most hard working among all the children that use to help him called him the cripple the first time olisa gave him money for helping him and the boy showed the money to his mother. Akila being a staunch christian rebuked her son. I have told you not to call people by their disabilities, God doesnt like that. Four market days passed and olisa had made good sales. He sat infront of his hut and arranged the ones that he had already made for sale.Maku, the chief priests daughter came asking of the prices of the of the bigger ones among them which she could use to fetch water from the stream. Maku lifted the biggest one among them all and weighed it, just as she was replacing the pot,it slipped from her hands and crushed into pieces on the rocky ground.olisa beamed with anger and tried to get up onto his feet but retreated after realising his disability.Maku went on her knees and pleaded in tears. please how much is it so I can go and get the money from my mother for you. Forgive me please,she pleaded somemore. the one you just broke is the biggest among them all and it costs two hundred and fifty pesewas but I wont take the money, when olisa said this, Maku thought that olisa had forgiven herand so she started smiling but she was shocked later by what olisa said. maku, I know you dontt like me but I want to marry you to replace the broken pot, olisa said. Maku raced home to tell her parent about the latest development. what, that dirty cripple wants to marry you because you mistakenly broke his clay pot? I will go and meet him there,the chief priest picked his club and made for olisas house. Olisa was picking the broken pieces from the ground when the chief priest got there. so you are the one who wants to marry my daughter because she broke your two hundred and fifty pesewa pot?now take the money and dont you ever mention that to her again, the cheif priest strtched his hand to deliver the money to olisa but he wont take it. holy one, I only asked your daughter to marry me but I didnt force her, am sorry but I wont take the money, olisa replied and the chief priest walked away with much anger. The king of bomaasi sat on his judgement throne and was surronded by his wise elders. The chief priest and his family and olisa sat on the floor infront of the king wiating to hear his final judgement on the matter that has been brought before him. Will the king grant olisas proposal to marry maku or he will ask him to go and find a cripple like himself and marry? The chief priest and his family, what will be their reaction if the king rules that maku should be made to marry the cripple? What will be olisas reaction if the king rejects his complain? Will maku be happy to live with a cripple as a husband if the king asks her to marry him? Tobe continued......................
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 05:19:11 +0000

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