THE BRUTE, BOURGEOSIE AND THE NATION With her face grounded - TopicsExpress


THE BRUTE, BOURGEOSIE AND THE NATION With her face grounded brutally into the ground by the boots of her nascent bourgeoisie, with her back weighed down heavily by the many burdens of her starving, dying, expelled and displaced children, with her cities’ streets clamoring with V8s, Benz, Toyotas, hummers, decomposing corpses, angry mobs, flies, and big-bellied stinky swindlers, this country is writhing in pain. As the whole world watches with priceless mixed reactions of horror, awe, amusements, and indifference, like the medieval Romans watching two gladiator brutes smashing their heads to smithereens with clubs, she is alone, enduring her agony in a dignified silence. That South Sudan has been betrayed by her children is deafeningly unequivocally clear, but how could a group of powerful nations take comfort from our present unfortunate course? How could they continue to agitate for changes that bring no changes? The change in this country is inevitable, but it ought to be people-centered. The sort of change being imposed on us by the international lobbies will hastily bring about our demise a nation. What we need is not a change of seats and fat government positions in which a swindler who has lobbied better and smartly internationally is installed through foreign-devised machinations and political stratagems. If we go about recycling these brutes, these vampires, these heartless bourgeoisies, we’ll end up always clamoring to contain endless strings of unrest, death, displaced, and eventual disintegration of this country. The people they’re feverishly clamoring to install are the very people who’ve robbed this country silly during the last eight years. They built lavish homes in foreign capitals; their families have nicely been tugged away in those homes. They’ve filled to the brims their hidden bank accounts with the petro-dollars while the poor, the rightful beneficiaries of our oil wealth, are wasting away in the far-plunge villages, fighting biting object poverty, crimes, backwardness, and wars for the rich. While our people are weighted down by their unearned plethora of sufferings, the nascent bourgeoisie continue to molest their humanity remorselessly by bringing to their villages unwarranted and unnecessary wars. Their sons have forcefully been conscribed into the spouting ragtag armies; their daughters, the cradles of their ancestral propagation, have been forced into unlicensed prostitution rings, and their social fabrics have been ripped asunder. These people, who are unfathomably intoxicated with the opium of indispensability complex, have driven this country to madness simply because they couldn’t stand not being on the spotlight. They massage their egos with titles such as Honorable, Excellency, and Majesty without doing anything majestic, excellent, and honorable for the people they were supposed to serve. ………………………TO BE CONTINUED!
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 07:57:59 +0000

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