THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Ministry of Foreign - TopicsExpress


THE BUREAU OF PUBLIC AFFAIRS Ministry of Foreign Affairs Monrovia, Liberia NEWS SUMMARY FOR THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 2014 Today’s dominant stories in the summary of the local dailies include stories of the Gates Foundation pronouncement of US$50 million to support to West Africa in the fight contain the Ebola outbreak, ArcelorMittal over 400 tons shipment to the country and Médecins Sans Frontiers Liberia SOS call to other international organizations and the United Nations to help in the fight against the Ebola Virus disease. DOMINANT STORIES Gates Foundation Commits US$50M To Ebola Response The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Wednesday announced it will commit US$50 million to support the scale up of emergency efforts to contain the Ebola outbreak in West Africa. In addition, the foundation will work with public and private sector partners to accelerate the development of therapies, vaccines, and diagnostics that could be effective in treating patients and preventing further transmission of the disease. “We are working urgently with our partners to identify the most effective ways to help them save lives now and stop transmission of this deadly disease,” said Sue Desmond-Hellmann, CEO of the Gates Foundation, INSIGHT reports. Related Caption: Bill Gates Foundation Commits $50m To Support Emergency (FrontPage Africa) ArcelorMittal Brings Ship Loader Weighing over 400 tons and billed as the largest piece of steel structure to ever enter and be installed in Liberia, the ship loader docked on Friday, September 5, at the ArcelorMittal Liberia Buchanan iron ore port. When installed the machine will be the final piece of equipment used in the loading of ships transporting Liberian ore to the open market. Arriving fully assembled in a specialized ship that deals with this type of equipment around the world, the shiploader will be installed directly onto temporary rails at the iron ore quay and stored in a safe manner until such time as required. The shiploader arrives in preparation for Phase 2 of ArcelorMittal Liberia’s Liberia operations and is capable of loading 15 million tons per annum once full production has been reached, tripling the company’s current loading capacity. “This is the biggest piece of equipment to be imported to Liberia and should be looked at as a milestone in ArcelorMittal Liberia’s commitment to Liberia. It should also be seen as a Projects milestone,” said Antonio Maria, According to ArcelorMittal Liberia management, the shiploader is here to meet the demands and vision of ArcelorMittal Liberia. “The volume of material to be mined has necessitated the requirements of the shiploader, as we are at capacity at present with the current machinery available,” said CEO, Antonio Carlos Maria, FOCUS writes. Related Caption: ArcelorMittal Liberia brings Ship loader - The largest steel structure to ever enter and be installed in Liberia (INSIGHT) MSF Sends SOS – As Ebola Spread Draws Attention Médecins Sans Frontiers Liberia (MSF), through its Emergency Coordinator, Launch Sailly, has called on other international organizations and the United Nations for help. Speaking to reporters from their ELWA center, Sailly said lack of beds to accommodate patients and limited number of health workers are major problems they are faced with as a medical organization fighting the deadly virus in Liberia, In Profile Daily reports. Related Caption; MSF ‘Cannot Exceed 400 Beds’ In Liberia –Begs For Robust International Response To Outbreak (New Republic) OTHER STORIES Kenya To Allow Stranded Liberian Students Entry The Government of Kenya has expressed profound apologies and regrets for denying several Liberian students entry into the country to continue their academic studies. Kenya’s expression of commiseration of the action stemmed from Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan’s expression of concern about the denial of entry into Kenya of Liberian students admitted by Kenyan universities. But Kenyan Foreign Minister Ambassador Amina C. Mohamed attributed it to coordination challenges and assured her Liberian counterpart that the Liberian students who are presently stranded in Accra would be allowed immediate entry in Kenya so as to begin their academic sojourns without further delay, the New Republic reports. Kenya Airways To Resume Flight Soon The Kenyan national carrier, Kenya Airways is expected to resume flights here soon, officials have revealed. Kenyan Foreign Minister Amina C. Mohamed told Liberian Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan on the sideline of the just ended Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia that his government is reviewing the suspension of Kenya Airways flights to Liberia and other Ebola affected countries, adding, he is hopeful a decision for the resumption of flights to the Mano River basin will be made soon. Foreign Minister Ngafuan, on behalf of President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and the Government and people of Liberia commended President Kenyatta, the Government and People of Kenya for Kenya’s decision to commit both financial and human resources to assist Liberia in its fight against Ebola, The New Dawn reports. Kenya Pledges US$1 Million The Government of Kenya has announced that it would donate US$1 M (One Million United States Dollars) to aid Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea to fight against the deadly Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). The disclosure of Kenya’s commitment to support countries worst-affected by Ebola was made by Kenyan Cabinet Secretary and its Minister of Foreign Affairs, Amb. Amina C. Mohamed when she met Liberia’s Minister of Foreign Affairs, Augustine Kpehe Ngafuan on Monday, September 8, 2014 on the margins of the Extraordinary Session of the Executive Council of the African Union (AU) in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to discuss the Ebola Outbreak in Africa. The meeting was also attended by the Kenyan Finance Minister Henry Rotich and the Liberian Ambassador accredited to Ethiopia and the African Union, H. E. Vivienne T. Wreh, New Democrat reports. US$600M For Liberia Ebola Fight Information Minister Lewis Brown has disclosed that the World Health Organization (WHO) has estimated that US$600M is needed for Liberia to effectively combat the Ebola virus. Minister Brown said the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare requested for US$20 million to tackle the Ebola scourge and the government’s initial contribution was US$5 million, which has been spent, In Profile Daily reports. OSIWA, Ford Foundation Donate Vehicles To Health Ministry The Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) in partnership with the FORD Foundation has joined other international groups in providing support to Liberia in its fight against the deadly Ebola outbreak. As part of efforts to combat the virus, OSIWA in collaboration with the FORD foundation has provided three brand new pickup trucks to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare to help boost the logistical needs of the Ministry in fighting Ebola. Madam Massa Crayton Liberia’s Country Officer of OSIWA said, the donation of the three vehicles comes as a result of a grant agreement signed between the government of Liberia and OSIWA. According to her there was a need for signing of any major agreements to put the Liberian government on record for the purpose the vehicle was being donated, INSIGHT reports. GUMH To Erect US$10M Medical Facility An official of the Ganta United Methodist Hospital (GUMH) has said the institution is contemplating constructing a modern medical facility valued at US$10 million. GUMH Chief Administrator of GUMH, Victor Taryor, said the management’s decision is due to the poor state the current medical facility and the lack of basic medical equipment, INSIGHT reports. UN Staff Assoc. Donates …To Ebola Fight The Staff Association of four United Nations organizations operating in Liberia has donated over 100 heavy duty rain booths to the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare. The four UN agencies include the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), UN Women, UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and UNOPS. Making the donation Wednesday at the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, the President of the UN Staff Association, Calixte Hessou said the gesture was the staff’s way of helping the government and other partners in the ongoing Ebola fight. Receiving the items, Deputy Health Minister for Administration Matthew Flomo expressed appreciation to the UN Staff Association for the donation, The NEWS reports. Related Caption: UN Staff Association Joins Ebola Campaign (Daily Observer) Pres. Sirleaf Visits Five Hospitals Around Monrovia According to the INSIGHT newspaper, doctors and healthcare workers at five hospitals in Monrovia have lauded the leadership role being played by President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf in the fight against the Ebola virus disease currently plaguing the country. According to an Executive Mansion release, the healthcare practitioners made the assertions in separate remarks on Tuesday when the Liberian leader visited the Ahmadiya, SDA Cooper, Benson, SOS and James Davis hospitals around Monrovia to ascertain first hand working condition at these facilities. Speaking when President Sirleaf visited the Benson Hospital in Paynesville City outside Monrovia, the chief medical doctor, Dr. Jimmy Benson said the President’s frequent visits to healthcare centers have further motivated them to do more in saving lives and promised to uphold their oath to duty even during this emergency period. At the Amhadiya Hospital, Dr. AbdulaiHarleen Karim said his hospital was happy to serve the Liberia people and has already informed their headquarters in Pakistan about to need to bring in more anti-Ebola materials. At the SDA Hospital on the 12th Street, authorities there briefed the Liberian leader on the operations at its facilities including the challenge of maintaining constant electricity at the healthcare facility. She informed the healthcare practitioners that her visit to these hospitals was to abreast herself about the challenges and prospects during this emergency period and what all of them can do to further enhance the healthcare delivery. Related Caption: President Visits 5 Hospitals (New Democrat) ‘Circumstances Suggest Ebola’: Mofa ‘Devastated Over Loss The FrontPage Africa newspaper writes that Liberia’s Foreign Minister Augustine Ngafuan says he and his entire family of the Ministry are deeply saddened and devastated over the loss of Mrs. Sharon Shamoyan Washington, his Administrative Assistant who died Monday for what is being described as “circumstances that could suggest Ebola”. She was a dedicated civil servant and contributed immensely to the Ministry and the Government over the many years she worked with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs,” the Minister said, responding to a FrontPageAfrica inquiry Wednesday. According to the daily, Assistant Minister for Public Affairs Mr. Horatio Bobby Willie explained that the last time the Minister interacted with the late Washington was on Wednesday, July 30, 2014, the date he departed the country for Washington DC for the US-Africa Leaders Summit. From that date up to September 8, 2014, the day Mrs.“Washington passed away (exactly 40 days), the Minister had not seen Mrs. Washington although he and other personnel of the Ministry were in touch with her via cellphone. When information was received that the late Mrs. Washington had lost her sister and two other family members in what appeared to be circumstances that could suggest Ebola, the Minister immediately sent a message from the US instructing that Mrs. Washington and all other personnel of the Ministry who had had close interactions with her be advised to stay away from work for at least 21 days. Five other personnel of the Ministry were identified as persons who had close contacts with Mrs. Washington during the period leading to and after the death of Mrs. Washingtons sister.” Gov’t Turns ‘Ministerial Complex Site’ Into Ebola Treatment Center…But The once selected site for the construction of a government perceived US$60 million ministerial complex has now been turned into a treatment center for Ebola patients, Information Minister Lewis Brown has confirmed, Daily Observer reports. FDA Targets 5 Densely Populated Counties -Launches Social Mobilization, Community Outreach To Fight Ebola The Board of Directors of the Forestry Development Authority (FDA) has launched a major community-based awareness campaign to tackle the outbreak of the Ebola virus in five densely populated counties. The intent of the launch is to enhance the national fight against the Ebola virus which has left severe casualties and has not only threatened the fabric of the existence but also the destruction of the country`s socio-economic sector. In a presentation at the headquarters of the Liberia Crusaders for Peace Tuesday September 9, 2014 in Monrovia, the Chairman of the FDA Board of Directors, Sister Mary Lauren Brown said although reports emanating from health and state authorities speak of progress in the fight against Ebola, it is clear that the virus continues to infect many Liberians, the New Republic reports. Depoliticizing Ebola: Prez Sirleaf, Brumskine Hold Tete-A-Tete A meeting of opposing minds took place Tuesday between Liberian President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf and Cllr. Charles W. Brumskine, political leader of the opposition Liberty Party as both sides shared ideas on how to work together in containing the deadly Ebola virus in Liberia. Sources tell FrontPageAfrica that Cllr. Brumskine had requested the meeting which was held at the Foreign Ministry, to discuss the Ebola Virus Disease that has hit Liberia the hardest of all the countries affected in the region. Cllr. Brumskine reportedly informed the President that he, like other Liberians, regardless of political persuasion, was deeply concerned about the spread of the virus in Liberia. He had, therefore, requested the meeting to offer his service to the country in the fight against the deadly virus. In addition, the party has made made $5,000 cash donation to Samaritan’s Purse and Liberian Cross, made thousands of dollars of supplies to Liberian communities through the efforts of Senators Clarice Jah of Margibi and Nyonblee Lawrence of Bassa, as well as through Montserrado Senatorial aspirant Ben Sanvee (and another political aspirant), who visited the West Point Community with supplies after the quarantine, FrontPage Africa reports. Liberia Hails UN, Partners For Role In Ebola Fight Liberia’s Defense Minister Brownie Samukai has expressed gratitude to the United Nations Secretary General and Liberia’s partners for their support in the fight against the Ebola virus. He has also called for a continued flexibility on the part of the UN Security Council to focus on eliminating the virus from Liberia and other affected neighboring countries. Samukai made the remarks at the united Nations Security Council Meeting on the 28th Report of the UN Secretary General on the Activities of the UN Mission in Liberia, according to a dispatch from the Liberian Permanent Mission to the UN, The NEWS writes. Government Welcomes UNMIL Rollover The Government of Liberia has fully supported the request of the Secretary-General Ben Ki-moon for the United Nations Mission in Liberia or UNMIL to have a technical rollover for the next three months in the country. According to a release, Liberia’s Minister of National Defense, Brownie Samukai, currently in the United States, says the country’s attention should be directed towards containing and eliminating the Ebola virus. Speaking at a council meeting in New York, Samukai said that it is unfortunate that the meeting is being held during the time Liberia is facing a serious threat to its national existence. He, however, commended Secretary General Ben Ki-moon for his leadership and initiatives in focusing global attention on the virus, including his appointment of a Special Coordinator for Ebola in the person of Dr. David Nabarro. The New Dawn writes. ‘Merciless’ Ebola Threatens Liberia ….UN Envoy Tells Security Council United Nations special envoy to Liberia Karin Landgren has described the spread of Ebola in Liberia as “merciless” and warned that the reported cases and deaths in the country “understate Ebola’s true toll.” She told the UN Security Council that at least 160 Liberian health care workers had contracted the disease and half of them had died. Meanwhile, Defense Minister Brownie Samukai, on a visit to the United States, has informed the United Nations Security Council that the existence of the country is “seriously threatened” by the deadly Ebola virus, The NEWS writes. ‘Ebola Is A Threat To Int’l. Peace And Security’- Dr. D. Elwood Dunn; Wants Security Council Resolution to that Effect Dr. D. Elwood Dunn, a retired African academic and former Minister of State for Presidential Affairs in Liberia, has declared that the Ebola crisis is “a threat to international peace and security.” For this reason, he has called for a United Nations Security Council Resolution declaring the Ebola situation a threat to international peace and security and calling forth the requisite measures to containing the threat.” The world at this time, he declared, needs a critical international collaborative crisis leadership to arrest this horrific epidemic. In a Guest Editorial written for the Daily Observer and published in today’s edition, Dr. Dunn said it was “far past time for the world community to step up its engagement from a “public health emergency of international concern” to a Chapter Seven Mandate to “Deliver as One.” Out Of Town Market Halted In Nimba, Even GB No Longer Swallowed Together As Villagers Become Rigid in Accepting Travelers Now that there is little doubt about the existence of Ebola as it continues to claim more lives with thousands of confirmed, suspected and probable cases across the sub-region, authorities in Nimba County have halted daily marketing activities that take marketers from one town to the other. It is customary for sellers in rural areas in Liberia to attend market days during the week in designated towns. Marketers board trucks with their goods either in the early morning hours to get to market on time, or leave a day to in advance to sleep in the town in order to sell the next day. With the rapid rise in the Ebola death toll, however, the City Mayor of Sanniquellie, Mary Gonlepah, last week warned marketers via community radio stations not to go to Sanniquellie market until otherwise ordered. Mayor Gonlepah said it was her personal view that the virus gets transmitted through bodily contact; and the convergence of people in such a manner as “market day” has the propensity to spread the virus exponentially, Daily Observer reports.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 15:43:19 +0000

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