THE BURNING BUSH While the children of Israel were groaning and - TopicsExpress


THE BURNING BUSH While the children of Israel were groaning and crying under the heavy yoke of Pharaoh the King of Egypt, Moses whom God had ordained for their deliverance was far away in Midian tending the flock of Jethro his father-in-law, the priest of Midian. Though Moses was raised in Pharaoh’s palace, yet he had to flee from the face of Pharaoh who sought to kill him after he heard that Moses had killed an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. (Exo. 2:11-12). Obviously, Moses had a fervent passion to see his brethren delivered from the oppression of Pharaoh but he had no divine vision or understanding of how God would use him to bring them out of Egypt While in Midian, Moses had lost his passion for the deliverance of the Hebrews in Egypt, or any sense of his destiny in life, and had settled down as the shepherd of the flock of Jethro. However, while Moses led the flock to the back of the desert, and came to Horeb, the LORD appeared to him in a flame of fire from the midst of a bush. Moses could not resist turning aside from the flock to see the great sight – why the bush was burning with fire and yet the bush was not consumed. It was that day that Moses understood and stepped into his destiny in life. “So when the LORD saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, Moses, Moses! And he said, Here I am. (Exo. 3:4). God still uses the burning bush today to draw us to Himself, to open our eyes of understanding to His plan, to rekindle our passion for our divine purposes in life, and to launch us into our true destiny in life. Like Moses, many believers today have given up in despair after one or two futile attempts or efforts to pursue their God-given passion, burden or vision in life and ministry. Perhaps, they set out at the wrong time, or they were just zealous without adequate knowledge of what God has called them to do, and they lacked divine wisdom on how to go about it. Many potential great ministers of God, like Moses, had fled from their mission field or place of destiny because of fear, failure, frustration, defeat, discouragement or disappointment. There are many believers today whom God has ordained to tend and shepherd His flock and feed them with knowledge and understanding, but who are presently tending or caring for other things. There are many believers in the Church today whom God has set apart for revival, deliverance and salvation of many communities, cities and nations, but unfortunately they are presently engrossed with mundane affairs. There are many believers labouring in another man’s field while their God-given field is overgrown with thorns. It may take a burning bush experience for such people to awake out of their slumber, and turn aside from all distractions to step into their divine purpose and destiny in life. When we have lost our first love for God and our passion to pursue and fulfil our divine purposes in life, God may be left with no option than to set on fire the things we now hold dearly to our heart. When we have lost our first love for God and our passion to pursue and fulfil our divine purposes in life, God may be left with no option than to set on fire the things we now hold dearly to our heart. When our career, job, business, profession, academics, relationship or ministry has become a major distraction or hindrance to our walk with God and the pursuit and fulfillment of the destiny God has ordained for our lives, we should be ready to see God set them on fire. However, in God’s infinite mercy, even when He sets our objects of focus, devotion or affection that have become a distraction to our walk with God in the path of His purpose, God will still see to it that they are not consumed. So, God’s ultimate intention of setting the bush on fire is not to consume or destroy the bush, but to draw Moses’ attention so that he may hear God’s voice and enter into his great and glorious destiny. The purposes of the burning bush are: to reveal God’s glory to Moses; to rekindle God’s passion in Moses; to give him a clear revelation of his mission in life; to revive and restore his faith and confidence in God; and to empower and commission him to fulfil his assignment in life. These are still the reasons why God is setting our bush on fire today. Beloved, where are you today in relation to God’s purposes and destiny for your life? Are you still on divine track and path, or you have strayed to a seemingly easy, safe, promising, and attractive track and path in life? Like Moses, you might have settled down for a career, job, ministry, business or profession totally different from that which God has ordained for you. You need to watch out for the burning bush around you. Most times, the challenges and battles that we face in our lives are just God setting our bush on fire. Unfortunately, rather than turning aside to see and hear what God is saying to us, we often seek for some enemies to blame and fight How ignorant of God’s dealing many believers are today! Friend, God would not allow you to be lost in distraction and immersed in mundane affairs when many souls are groaning under the yoke of sin and the devil, waiting for you to reach them with the gospel of truth and break the evil yokes upon them. How will God not set your bush on fire to rekindle your passion for soul-winning, mission, intercession or revival when many lives and destinies are at stake? Are you presently seeing an area of your life on fire? Fear not, God has no intention of consuming or destroying it; He is just seeking for your attention, affection, devotion, and consecration to Him, and to empower and commission you to fulfil the destiny He has ordained for your life. Seek not to quench the burning bush; just turn aside from all distractions, draw near to God, incline your ears to hear God’s voice and prepare your heart to do whatever God commands. Father Lord, grant me the discernment to know and see when You are setting a bush on fire to get my attention. Help me to turn aside from all distractions to hear Your voice, in Jesus’ name. Amen
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 14:22:40 +0000

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