THE CALLING PART I Before our LORD YESHUA/JESUS sent HIS - TopicsExpress


THE CALLING PART I Before our LORD YESHUA/JESUS sent HIS Disciples out into the World, this is what HE told them. First one must KNOW THE NEED. This is what YESHUA/JESUS stressed...was the NEED. We NEED to KNOW THE NEED In Each of our Countries today....THE NEED FOR A SAVIOUR.....the World is IN GREAT NEED FOR A SAVIOUR. Then saith HE unto HIS Disciples, The Harvest truly is plenteous, but the Laborers are Few: PRAY ye therefore the LORD of the harvest, that HE Will Send Forth Laborers into HIS Harvest. MATTHEW 9:37-38 The importance of this Statement is we, the Children of the LORD, MUST PRAY for Laborers. People WILLING to GO and SHARE the SAVIOUR of ALL MANKIND With The World. Could it be YOU? If you cannot go physically you can share on the Internet, or facebook...or other outlets,. I pray we ALL would LOVE ENOUGH, WE WOULD NOT WISH FOR NONE TO PERISH....BUT ALL TO HAVE ETERNAL LIFE. Note where our LORD sends the Disciples First. And when HE had called unto HIM HIS Twelve Disciples, HE gave them POWER against unclean spirits, to Cast Them Out, and to Heal all manner of sickness and All manner of Disease. Now the names of the Twelve Apostles are these; The First, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his Brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his Brother; Philip, and Bartholomew; Thomas, and Matthew the Publican; James the son of Alphaeus, and Lebbeus, whose surname was Thaddeus; Simon the Canannite, and Judas Iscariot, who also betrayed HIM. These Twelve JESUS sent forth, and Commanded them, saying, GO NOT into the Way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: But GO Rather To The LOST SHEEP OF THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL. And as ye go, Preach, saying, The KINGDOM of Heaven IS AT HAND, Heal the Sick, Cleanse the Lepers, Raise the Dead, Cast Out devils: Freely ye have Received, Freely Give. MATTHEW 10:1-8 The Disciples were to go to Their OWN People that they would be Without Excuse. The HOUSE of ISRAEL was Created and Chosen by GOD to be PRIEST for HIM, in the Beginning.... To carry the Gospel of the KINGDOM around the World..... When we have been given much our LORD always encourages us to do the same. The Disciples had been With the SAVIOUR for several years; they had Walked with HIM, Talked with HIM, Ate with HIM and most important of all, they had been Taught By HIM. Can you imagine the Richness of HIS Beautiful Words, the ULTIMATE TRUTH, being given into the hearts and minds of these men.....and one of them was a TRAITOR. When they went, their needs would be provided for. Years ago, I worked for a Counseling School, and I did not want to charge for my work, for I had been giving counsel for years before and while I was in school, and had never received pay. This advise is what my Boss gave me....a Workman is Worthy of his hire. As a Widow trying to provide for my Children, I was totally dependent on the hearts of the people I was counseling. This made me TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON MY LORDS PROVISION. A workman of the LORD should NOT BEG for the LORD Will Provide, as the hearts of the people WANT to give, and the ones who dont, the LORD will make it up. The Amazing thing about their CALLING is the Disciples HAD TO BE TOTALLY DEPENDENT ON THE LORDS PROVISION, THROUGH THE PEOPLE they were ministering to. The Disciples were Not ONLY TELLING them about JESUS, and the KINGDOM of GOD, they were HEALING people. This is a POWERFUL LESSON IN TRUST. Just as the Children of Israel had to put their TOTAL TRUST in the LORD for HIS PROVISION as they made their way into a new land; The Disciples were going into unknown territory alone without YESHUA/JESUS walking with them physically, so they had to have COMPLETE TRUST that the LORD would Provide for them. NOTE, the LORDS advice. Provide neither gold, nor silver, nor brass in your purses; Nor scrip for your journey, Neither two coats, neither shoes, nor yet staves, for the Workman is Worthy of his meat. And into Whatsoever City or Town ye shall enter, inquire who in it is Worthy; and there Abide till ye go thence. And when you come into an house, salute it. And IF the house be Worthy, let your Peace come unto it: but IF it be Not Worthy, let your Peace Return to you.MATTHEW 10:9-13 FATHER GOD, LORD OF MERCY, Help us HEAR the cries of the people. Give us hearts that are Willing to PRAY for Workers for the Harvest....or to be a Worker in the Harvest. Meet the needs of YOUR People LORD, around the World, who are giving of themselves to bring souls into YOUR KINGDOM....Provide for the Needy and do what YOU call them to do. Bless Strengthen, Provide, Teach and Encourage YOUR Children...IN THE BLESSED NAME OF YESHUA/JESUS. Amen. Blessings today, as you TRUST the LORD and PRAY for the Workers for the Harvest.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 23:19:21 +0000

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