THE CASE OF AN I.A.S. - TopicsExpress


THE CASE OF AN I.A.S. TOPPER ============================ CASTE BIAS IN IAS EXAM : SC/ST FACE DISCRIMINATION: DR. A.K. BISWAS =============================================================== (Ref : Dalit Voice, May 1-15, 1993) The Union Public Service Commission under the Constitution of “free” India started functioning since Jan 26, 1950. The Commission conducted its first examination to recruit personnel for IAS and Central Service the same year. There were 8.647 candidates for the examination. The First Report of UPSC does not mention the number of Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe (SC/ST) candidates. But it disclosed that Achyutananda Das was the country’s 1st SC to make it to IAS in 1950 itself. He was, in fact, the topper of his batch in the written examination. He was from West Bengal secured 613 (58.38%) out of 1050 marks in written examination whereas N. Krishnan from Madras secured 602 (57.33%). but in interview, Krishnan secured 260 (86.66%) out of 300 as against 110 (36.66%) by Das. Thus was left miles behind by Krishnan due to performance in viva-voce test. But the case of Aniruddha Dasgupta also from West Bengal, whose performance was extraordinary in his viva-voce test is both interesting and revealing. The marks obtained by these three may be examined to appreciate the case of the topper. The margin of difference of marks between Das and Krishnan in written papers being 110 only in viva-voce test, if the latter outstripped the former, there is not much surprise perhaps. But the written and viva-voce marks of Dasgupta in-comparison with that of Das raise number of issues. Dasgupta secured the highest marks in viva-voce among all successful candidates recommended for appointment to IAS, IPS, IFS etc. But it was also he who got the lowest average of all those qualified for appointment to IAS and Allied Services. Further, he scored the lowest marks of all the qualified candidates in General Knowledge. In the other words, Dasgupta scored 26. 66% in General Knowledge, 47.04% in written aggregate but an astounding 88.33% in Personality Test as against 52.66% in General Knowledge. 47.04% in written aggregate but an astounding 88.33% in personality test as against 52.66%, 58.38% and 36.66% respectively scored by Das. The margin of difference of marks between Das and Dasgupta in written examination was as vast as 119. Reduced into percentage. Dasgupta was a hopping 11.33% behind Das. Upper caste bias : Any candidate strong in General knowledge is usually expected to face the Selection Board very confidently and to perform competently. Dasgupta’s poorest (26.66%) score amongst all successful candidates in General Knowledge notwithstanding, he must have thrown up biggest surprise by scoring the highest marks in interview. His viva-voce score of 265 which was followed by Krishnan with 260, not only helped him make up the vast gap between him and Das but he left the latter way behind. In the ultimate count, Krishnan topped; Dasgupta occupied 22nd position in the merit list and Achyutananda Das was assigned 48th position. He was the last man in the list of qualified candidates recommended for appointment in IAS. He was allotted to the cadre of Uttar Preadesh. Dasgupta excelled both Das and Krishnan in General English only. There is no published record to examine the questions which were posed by the selection board to Das. Dasgupta and Krishnan and the answers offered by them. If those were available, the posterity would have benefited by acquiring the tools and techniques adopted by Dasgupta as to how to impress the selection board of the UPSC despite miserable written scores. Statement of Marks Obtained by Selected Candidates in IAS Examinations, 1950. Name of the candidate Compulsory subjects(100 marks each Optional Subjects (200 marks each) Total 1050 *Viva-Voce (300 marks) Grand Total (1350) EE GE GK I II III 1. N.Krishnan (UC) 105 68 69 112 127 121 602 260 662 2.Aniruddha Das (UC) 75 100 40 78 101 101 494 265 760 3.Achyutananda Das (SC) 80 76 79 106 141 127 613 110 719 Note : EE = English Essay, GE=General English, GK = General Knowledge. * C.C.Hadke’s Comment on Viva –Voce : Viva-Voce seems to be full freedom of BSO, which came to nightmare to Bahujan - Achyutananda Das (SC) and advantageous to UCs (BSO). BSO are ever impartial with Bahujans ever since Eklavya to hitherto. They eat trash/dirt for sake of their BSO people. Impartiality/wickedness is in their blood and so has been injected in BSO since their childhood. Bahujans never get justice due to such BSO impartial mentality, only driving force/struggle/agitation are options to set right BSO. BSO use Indian Constitution for their benefit ever since it came into force. 1st in IAS : Mampul Jam Chonga from Assam, was the country’s first tribal in IAS through the examination held in 1954. He was allotted to the Assam-Meghalaya cadre. His case bears striking similarities in certain aspects with the of Das, the first SC in IAS. Chonga scored third highest marks in GK, and 51.51% average but got 160 (53.33%) only in personality test. His scores can be compared with the of Rathndra Nath Sengupta, an IAS allotted to West Bengal cadre with help of a table below. Statement of Marks Obtained by Selected Candidates in IAS Examinations, 1954. Name of the candidate Compulsory subjects(150 marks each) Optional Subjects (200 marks each) Additional Subject (200 each) Total (1450) *Viva-Voce (300 marks) Grand Total (1750) EE GE GK I II III J II 1. Nampui Jam Chonga 48 60 114 117 58 119 127 104 747 160 907 2.Rathindra Nath Sengupta) 60 53 50 74 119 125 113 100 694 240 934 Brahmins tops : Chonga scored 747 in written papers as against Sengupta who got 692 marks – the difference between them being of 43 marks. The percentage of marks of the latter was 47.86% and that of the former 51.51%. Sengupta’s score in general English was the lowest of all the qualified candidates; in general knowledge he was the second lowest, his pride being humbled by Snehlata Pure 9Punjab) who scored 37 (24.66%). Nevertheless, Sengupta scored the second highest 240 (80%) in personality test, the highest 260 (86.66%) being secured by two candidates – S.K. Chaturvedi, Madhya Pradesh Cadre and B. Bandopadhyay, West Bengal cadre. Chaturvedi was the topper of his batch. Chonga ultimately was placed 64th, the last in the merit position for appointment to IAS whereas Sengupta was assigned to 52nd. Notwithstanding their impressive performance in written papers, both Das and Chonga could not impress the personality test board. Both Dasgupta and Sengupta, on the other hand, proved the reverse that their personality impressed the selection board more than their pen could to impress their examiners. Ref : Samrat 25/01/06. Translation from Marathi as follows : Statement of N.G.Kamble : 3 years ago, Ayu. Sahare was topper in Vishvesarayya Regional Engineering College, (VRCE), Nagpur. He interviewed for job in a small private company, MIDC, Butti Bori, near Nagpur. Ayu. Sahare was confident about his selection in the company. But, alas! the BSO owner failed him. When he asked the BSO owner what is wrong in his qualification, the BSO owner replied – Our company is not meant for SC. Our sale of production would be affected if people know, the product is made from SC worker. Ayu. Sahare’s friends advised him to apply in a giant international company where worth is generally prime criteria as usual. The company management is unrelated to caste system. There will be no problem at all. Accordingly, Ayu. Sahare appeared an interview in the giant international company for a job. The company immediately appointed him on seeing his worth. At present he is working on high post in the giant international company. The BSO owner’s company was a micro-micro company as compared to the giant international company, where BSO owner denied job to Ayu. Sahare. I (C.C.Hadke) must state in this regard, to authenticate the very reason, as to why BSO owners deny jobs to Bahujans, as follows “World marches towards worth (of man), whereas India marches towards casteism,” for one may believe or not, but the whole fact of life in this country. BSO ever busy in conspiracies against Bahujans. Chakradhar Hadke’s Comment :--What’s a big conspiracy against Bahujans that both –Das (SC) and Chong (ST) - the toppers in written exam of IAS were given last merit position (commissioning) in IAS examination! and similar is also the case of Sahare – The Topper of Vishvesarayya Regional Engg. College Nagpur. This is inner mind of BSO, on which they are ever silent. As such, nobody Bahujan get aware of such kind of partiality. BSO have been ever conspiring against Bahujans to arrest to grab higher position in this country, for one may believe or not. In written examination, there was no scope and freedom for manipulation, but there was a complete scope and freedom for manipulating marks of the SC/ST candidates. BSO examiner’s team of Viva-Voce had/have their own prejudicial minds. For them, caste is merit. RSS and its saffron bridge have been created basically for maintaining and preserving Caste System (Varnashram Dharma). BSO are 95% in bureaucracy/government administration. They don’t leave any stone unturned to arrest higher rank whenever they get scope/freedom. Viva-Voce was their complete scope and freedom and they had done it without fail. Indeed, hatred mentality of BSO can never be changed. Basically MERIT for BSO is not WORTH but CASTE. With this BSO intervene in field of life of SC/ST/OBC and make it miserable. In view of this very reason reservation is a must, which is already enshrined in the constitution and same is the legal right. We all Bahujans are sailing on the same boat, which BSO leave no stone unturned to capsize it. As such we must be alert, respect rights of each other without zealously among and be united at any circumstance. Co-operate in launching agitations towards preservation of reservations for future to come. I opine, this time 52% OBC must launch strong country-wide agitation and SC/ST should support it. SC/STs have hitherto did well by way of Dr. Ambedkar. This is the era of counter-revolution and as such, our lives are being made difficult by BSO (Brahminical Social Order). Compiled and Propagated by Chakradhar Hadke
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:11:32 +0000

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