THE CASE OF AN UNKNOWN PHONE CALL It was 23rd day of November - TopicsExpress


THE CASE OF AN UNKNOWN PHONE CALL It was 23rd day of November of the year 2014, Sunday, that the event occurred which I am now about to summarize. The cell phone was yet again screaming loud. The display screen flaunted the same number for a second time. I was excited and nervous to answer this phone call. Excited because this phone call was of my patient who had consulted on phone the same morning, and I was impatient to know the good that had been done by homoeopathic medicine and nervous for the reason that I had no aspiration to acknowledge the unpleasant follow up of the case. Every note of the ring of my cell phone was making me apprehensive. The heart in my thoracic cavity was pounding. The incoming call considered necessary to be answered. I recollected the series of events that occurred in the most recent few hours. My mind took voyage into history of 3 past hours. It was quarter to 12, when noon was to arrive and the morning in its ending phase. While I was glancing through older notes my attention was grabbed by the ring of my cell phone. The call was from an unknown number. I promptly received it and greeted with a “HELLO”, to appreciate the identity of the person at the other end. As soon as the call was received, the concealment of identity was broken. There emerged voice of a lady which was indicative of discomfort and displeasure. The sound that was reasonating into my ear canal was a low, mournful cry of pain which made me understand that lady is in terrific pain. CALLER : Namaste Dr. Sahab…, I m Mrs.XYZ from ABC city, you once treated my 6month old baby; I am in severe pain… Please help me…!!! If you can grant me something to mitigate of this pain..!!! With in no time I could recognize her voice. She was mother of one of my patient. I commenced my interrogation, ME : Please calm down… & Don’t worry….and tell me what is happening to you…..How did it started…if you can narrate me the minutiae of what you are experiencing? CALLER: Dr.Sahab….., Last Night I nursed my baby and went to sleep…. And I woke up with tremendous pain in my right breast……The right breast is swollen…… slightly bluish and very Painful……I cannot even touch it…. Milk is not coming out from the right breast…… I tried to press and remove the milk but still it’s not coming out…..not even by hard pressure…... It is burning from within and any touch makes the pain go worse. It’s very painful…. I am unable to bear it….Please Dr.Sahab…. Help me… If there are any medicines for this please award me a prescription…!!!!! The pain and uneasiness in the tone of her voice had put me into state of worry. The anxiety to prescribe for a distant person in distress was fueled. On the grounds of the above stated history by the patient herself, I could arrive at a conclusion that this was an Acute Mastitis Episode in right breast. Without slaughtering and killing single minute I consulted the repertory in my computer device and discovered the syndrome of rubric those were in correspondence with the above portrayed state of affair. RUBRICS SELECTED (Complete Repertory) 1. MIND- MOANING 2. GENERALITIES- TOUCH AGGRAVATES 3. CHEST- PAIN BURNING MAMMAE 4. CHEST- PAIN BURNING SIDES RIGHT 5. CHEST- INFLAMMATION MAMMAE CONSOLIDATION OF MILK WITH Honouring these admonitory signs of disease of its value a Homoeopathic remedy, BRYONIA 30 was requested to be taken every 15 minutes with an appeal to update about her condition after an intermission of 3 hours. Now, at this moment of occasion, 2 hours had passed after the prescription was made and it was the same number that the call was coming from. My anxiety was triggered with a sense of excitement. Both feelings of apprehension and excitement were superimposing each other in an alternating fashion. With quick emancipation from the spell of nervousness I received the call with quivering finger. It was the same lady at the other end. I heard the same voice for a second time with a greeting. This time the resonance was not of any distress. She acknowledged with a “Thank You” and said, “Dr.Sahab…. I have no pains now…. The clotted milk got ejected out after 6th dose…..I don’t find any bluishness also…. Both burning and swelling has also reduced….. the flow of milk from right breast is now restored….I could feed the baby from right breast with least discomfort….I feel 90% relieved after the medicine…..!!! Thank you so much Dr.Sahab” With these encouraging words from patient my anxiousness was put to an end. Smilingly I whispered with a sigh of relief, “Thanks to Homoeopathy”. - DR. SUSHIL DUBEY, M.D (Hom) +91-9022668480
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 03:36:59 +0000

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