THE CATHOLICS MUST HAVE BEEN LYING BECAUSE THEY WERE USING SCRIPTURE TO PROVE THEIR BELIEFS WITH FAR MORE EXPERTISE THEN THE OTHER DEBATERS. THEY WERE NOT WINNING THE DEBATES BY INCHES, BUT MILES, SO THAT WE THOUGHT THAT THOSE TRICKY CATHOLICS WERE JUST DECEIVING US. When we left the 7th Day Adventist Church we wanted to embrace all Christianity and we made a goal to attend every Protestant Church in our area. So for 6 or 7 years we explored….as many as 5 churches a week. It was a little disconcerting because they all had conflicting interpretations of Scripture. They all distinguished themselves from other denominations with “We are the Christians.”….. Everyone claims that title of Bible Christian. It was interesting because they all quoted St. Augustine “Unity on essentials” which didn’t make any sense to me at all. The pastor had no explanation of why everyone read Scripture differently and treated it as though it wasn’t any big deal. We wondered what is this unity and what are these essentials because each Church would state what unity meant to them and what their essentials were and they were all different. This idea of a simple self-interpreting Bible just doesn’t fit in to reality. When even scholars who can read Hebrew and Greek, don’t agree on how we are to understand Scripture. How do we have a chance of knowing Scripture ourselves… --- To add to this we would also go online Protestant Catholic discussion groups and studied them and listened to all types of theological discussions and debates. Years of watching these online discussions proved to Arthur and I that the Catholics were debating with plants (spies). The Catholics must have been lying because they were using Scripture to prove their beliefs with far more expertise then the other debaters. They were not winning the debates by inches, but miles, so that we thought that those tricky Catholics were just deceiving us. So to prove them wrong we went out and purchased Catholic sources and anti-Catholic sources, but we purchased all ten volumes of the anti-Nicene Fathers and the Catechism. The anti-Nicene Fathers, they are the writings of Bishops and Catholic Apologists from the time of the Apostles all the way to the 4th century. The earliest of these writings such as Clement or Polycarp were Church leaders who had spoken to and got their learning from the earliest Apostles. --- After all of this research we found out that the Catholic Apologists were not lying. And much of what we had been told that Catholics believed was either an outright lie or a ms-characterization at the very least. The earliest Christian Church was Catholic. Sorry, I know that’s going to freak out a lot of Protestants, but they had Catholic doctrines such as the daily sacrifice of the Mass, the real presence in the Eucharist. They were taught pro-life and taught contraception was a sin. They were unified under their bishops. This was a Catholic Church from the beginning. --- Their online apologists that we had watched for so many years pulled together the most competent logical and spiritually beautiful defense of the faith and they used the Scripture. I personally was raised that the Catholic Church was the whore of Babylon and was not Biblical; that it was man-made religion and did not respect God breathed Scriptures. So to hear these apologists being theologically and historically brilliant; I couldn’t just brush them off anymore as just an anomaly.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Dec 2014 08:11:03 +0000

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