THE CHEMTRAIL GIRLS (TCG) - ANOTHER PIECE OF THE PUZZLE SERIES: CHEMTRAILS AND FEAR. When we speak about Chemtrails (especially to people who are yet to gain awareness of the so called Geo-engineering programs) there are probably two main things which keep us locked in our disbelief: DOGMA (“Why would they spray!?...They are breathing the same air and the government wouldn’t do this to us”)….. and FEAR (of deconstructing our entire psychological foundation that we grew up to regard as “The True Sense of Things”). Did we know that the perpetrators have all the natural prevention, remedies and cures there is, we would not stick with the DOGMA; did we understand how the culprits use FEAR as The Main Coercion Tool to enslaving the minds and lives of the human race, we would eliminate the dread, we would start thinking outside of the box...and get out of this Human Farming which is the most devolutionary entrapment ever conceived. Fear is Freedoms worse enemy! Getting rid of DOGMA and of FEAR will truly open the doors to THE TRUE “Brave New World” and get us out of Huxley’s global empire of manipulation, conditioning and control by the few over the many. #fear
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 15:12:58 +0000

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