THE CHILD ABUSERS RELEASED FROM JAIL BECAUSE CAMBODIAN COURT SYSTEM IS BROKEN Recently, you saw the pictures of a boy being punished; hands tied behind his back and his head was push under water to drown because the boy stole a coconut. The picture was displayed all over Facebook and now both men are released from prison because the court cannot find enough evidence to convict the two bastards. Let me remind you, the picture of the cruel punishment was put out by the two bastards through Facebook and they were proud of themselves because they caught a coconut theft and now the court couldnt find enough evidence? What evidence did the two perpetrators have to blind side the judge decision? In Cambodia, the court system is broken, a major hurdle for the poor to find any justice because the judge make the final decision regardless what evidences you have on the cases. I wrote about the court power several weeks ago urging CNRP or CPP to introduce a bill into the parliamentary to amend the constitution to add jury system into the court system to balance the court power. Cambodian American understands the jury system because at some point of our life, we have been called to serve on jury duty. In America, 12 individuals are allowed to sit in the courtroom to judge their peers; this is what Jury system is all about. A group of 12 individuals picked through jury selection processes approved by the legal counsel to listen to all facts and provide judgment recommendation to the court for sentencing. This is called jury trial or trial by jury in a legal proceeding in which a jury makes the final decision after hearing all the facts from each attorney, the judge sentencing as indicated in the guideline of the law. You can still have the option to bench trail with the judge but you and I know that judges in Cambodia are corrupted. With the jury system, the judge just follows the guideline of the sentencing and ensures the courtroom is respected during trail and facilitates the entire court processes. I listened to Prime Minister Hun Sen said in his speech that his regime is no longer a puppet government; if it is true then let see if his parliamentary member can introduce this bill into law. In Cambodia, the people beg outside the courtroom for mercy while police brutalized them on the street in front the court room. The judge has all the power to make decision regardless therefore it is prone to corruption given the poverty and the system and culture Cambodian taught to the new generation. To prevent people taking law into their own hands, the government needed to restore people confidence about the court system.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 11:29:13 +0000

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