THE CHURCH - THE BODY OF CHRIST III REVIEW 1st teaching - - TopicsExpress


THE CHURCH - THE BODY OF CHRIST III REVIEW 1st teaching - being the body We are the body of Christ, not like the body. We were individually joined to His body by Gods power. We are members one of another. What we do affects each other. No spectators, Gods call to His body is a call on you. REVIEW second teaching - finding your place. 1. Present your bodies a living sacrifice. you are not your own, you were bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your bodies. This is the only true worship. 2. Do not be conformed to this world. (dont be pushed into its mold - body is not human creation.) 3. Be transformed by the renewing of your minds. As the body of Christ we have the mind of Christ. So we set our minds on things above. This way we prove what the will of God is. 4. Think with sober judgement , according to the measure of faith. You are now part of the body, Soberly, faithfully you will function as the part you are! HOW THE MEMBERS FUNCTION CORPORATELY READ 1.COR.12:14-26 Like the human body, the body of Christ functions as the sum of its component parts. This means: 1. WE NEED EACH OTHER EXAMPLE : We cant live and grow apart from the body. A severed hand will die, though the body will live on handicapped. A severed heart will die and so will the body. You need the body of Christ to stay spiritually alive. The body of Christ needs you to be complete. The least presentable parts are the most necessary. (that doesnt fit the worlds mold) EXAMPLE: you can live without beauty, speech, sight, limbs. You cant live without intestines, yet who would ever want to see them? SO - BE HUMBLE WITH EACH OTHER!! 2. OUR FUNCTIONS COMPLEMENT EACH OTHER God has assembled his people according to the combination of skills and gifts necessary to fulfill His call to his church. YOU ARE HERE BY GODS DESIGN.(unless you are being disobediant) GOD ASSEMBLES HIS BODY, NOT US. -... Having gifts that differ according to His grace Romans 12:6 - To each one is given a manifestation of the Spirit for the common good. 1 Cor. 12:7 - God has so composed the body... 1 Cor.12:24 _ God has appointed in the church... 1 Cor 12:28 3. WE NEED TO RECOGNIZE AND CO-OPERATE WITH GODS PLAN Everything we experience is a conditioning process God allows so that we are equipped to serve Him.It is all from Him EXAMPLE: Some people experience affliction so that they may confort those in affliction with the same confort which we ourselves are comforted by God 1 Cor.1:4 As a Christian, even your personal lives are designed by God to equip you for the particular function you have in the body of Christ. PERSONAL EXAMPLE: the Holy Spirit told me before, during and after my 3 years in Bermuda that it was a time of preparation for me, as well as ministry for them. God fit it together. HOW THE MEMBERS FUNCTION INDIVIDUALLY Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit, there are varieties of service, but the same Lord, there are varieties of workings (of power), but the same God who inspires them all in every one.To each is given the manifestation fo the Spirit for the common good. 1 Cor. 12:4-7 YOUR FUNCTION IN THE BODY OF CHRIST IS A COMBINATION OF: WHO YOU ARE + THE SUPERNATURAL GIFTS GOD GIVES YOU Simply put, God takes you, the person, (not including the old nature) and adds his own power to enable to take your place in the body of Christ. HOW GOD TAKES A PERSON Note how throughout the bible God takes a man or women and uses them. - He doesnt obliterate their personality. - He forgives their sin. - He calls them to serve Him. - He makes use of their skill. - He adds His power. Think about David. His devotion of heart was his own. His power in battle was Gods. His skill in music was his own. the inspiration was Gods. Think about Moses. He said I cant speak to pharoe. God said I made mouths!! His humility was His own, His miracles were Gods. READ Exodus 35:30-36:2 IT WAS ALL GODS ANYWAY!!! Remember, God is working in your circumstances to equip us! This means a combination of: -your personality as sanctified by God. -your talents and skills -your experience -your love, your compassion. THE COMMON ERROR People who understand very well how God uses their talents dont understand Gods power, and the necessary Baptism with the Holy Spirit. HOW GOD ADDS HIS GIFTS GIFTS means grace. We dont deserve it. It is simply given. These are supernatural powers that work through you to enable you to function in the body of Christ. TO RECEIVE IT WE ARE BAPTIZED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT -IMMERSED -SOAKED to each one is given the manifestation of the Spirit... 1 Cor 12:7 Having gifts according to the grace given us.. Roman 12:6 God takes the person, you , and adds His annointing, or power. -He may inspire your speach - prophecy -He may give eagerness in your helping - faith -He may put insight in you encouragements - thats wisdom. -He may put miracles in you witnessing - -He put understanding in your administration - knowledge OH, why do we wait. God wants it done. Hes ready to give it. Ask, he says. COMMON ERROR People who know God wants to pour out the Spirit often dont see How God uses our talents. In scripture it says God working with them.. - It seemed Good to the Holy Spirit and to us - Paul tried to go to Bythinia but the Spirit forbade him WE NOTE HOW THIS WAS A COMBINATION OF THEIR OWN FAITHFUL EFFORTS AND ASKING THE POWER OF GOD TO FILL THEM. READ ACTS 4:29-32
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:49:42 +0000

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