THE CITY REMAINS DESTITUTE IN SECURING TALENT AND SKILL The chess board is played by willing slaves, and unless the voter moves for adequate compensation, the city remains destitute in securing talent and skill. This model of municipality is at a stalemate and regardless who is on board; the level of operation is at its worst. The re-call is hard-hitting, and to re-place talent and skill we have to look at the salary of the Common Council. To earn $50 per month and receive a mediocre car allowance is victimizing. The council is over-worked and are willing slaves to hand over the best of his or her life. This not only mitigates family life, but everything becomes secondary. The daunting task of researching each agenda item can stress out the best. And, if not, then the council member scans and dot the vote void of critical thinking. In the days of slavery, a good master took care of need like shelter, food, clothes, and well- being. The slaves were considered property and to protect their property the masters looked after them. And after he or she is elected the oath becomes the magnetism that drives the person to a higher purpose like a missionary, to uphold a sacred duty. The fact remains, that the councils are willing slaves, exploited, and institutionalized to an idea, “It is my duty to serve and to question is inconceivable. Furthermore, sitting on the Dias the council member decides salaries and promotions wondering what happened to their compensation. This might cause resentment and enhance lurking from special interest to pull favorable strings. The candidate has the right to be paid well, and enjoy the benefits comparable to the Mayor, and perhaps more. I think that more people would vote, the excitement to choose spirits action. We miss good and talented people and mostly in the number of candidates, The idea that a candidate has to be driven as a missionary to pursuit a political cause is bad business and politics. The re-call for the council is disconcerting because who is interested to run under those conditions? And for the reasons stated above, a re-call is simply not prudent and wise. I look forward to looking at the profile of ten can dates and have the candidate compete in securing a checkmate. I hope the citizens of San Bernardino understand that we have to upscale our game and play for a win.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Jun 2013 04:37:26 +0000

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