THE CIVIL SOCIETIES AND THE INTELLECTUAL CLASS ARE ALSO RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SUFFERING THIS ELLEN OLIGARCHY IS SPEWING ON THE LIBERIAN PEOPLE The National chairman of the Revolutionary National Youth League of the mighty Congress for Democratic Change(CDC), Mr. Jefferson T. Koijee says that what it is true that this Ellen led government has and continue to fail the Liberian people, but we should also blame the intellectual class and civil societies organization for the massive suffering and disaster the Liberian people are going through. It can be recalled that during 2011 general and presidential election, we witnessed many civil societies and intellectual grouping pledged support for the Re- Election of madam Sirleaf. The Revolutionary chairman spoke at the program marking the 10 anniversary of SURE- LIBERIA( CAMPAIGNERS FOR CHANGE). Furthermore , the Revolutionary chairman urged the civil society community and the intellectual class to rally around the Mighty Congress for Democratic Change (CDC) in making sure that this country is deliver from the hands of these economic vampires,that continue to loot and deplete our state covers. Mr. Koijee use the occasion to inform the Liberian that Amb. Weah is always ready to provide a better leadership for the Liberian people and going to kick start that from the senate, where he will provide a better leadership for the people of Montserrado county.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 22:10:59 +0000

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