THE CLARITY ZONES Chapter 1 Spots in Time Not long before this spot in time at which I’m writing to you today, I promised this particular book, the first chapter of which you’re reading now, would “come into being” via internet postings. And some people said that was a good idea, but others had misgivings concerning words entering prose’s realm in that fashion. Nevertheless. I think what will “stand out” in this certain literary effort, is how “alive” it may seem. And if indeed that concept – that certain “immediacy” – spoken of in the last sentence isn’t in evidence anywhere else in this book, then I think at least you’re experiencing it right here and now. Yes, just now I’m writing some introductory words which, if my wish for the “construction” of this book’s opening paragraph is followed, will go directly into this book as its first paragraph! But I’m not going to offer any excuses, rationales, or even reasons why this book shall ultimately exist as I hope it will; no, rather than do that, I’m simply going to attempt to write it! And recently I’ve heard that some literary critics have been complaining that in their opinion a disturbing new trend is currently developing in written prose. Apparently it seems as though a number of writers today are becoming more forceful and “hard-hitting” with all they have to say, and those critics found that new tendency troubling – but I like it! And incidentally, I’m going to refer to myself as “Jim” in this book, although James is not my real name. And I believe what’s really happening in all genres of writing today, is that the old days of traditional type publishing are, to some extent, falling by the wayside. And that bothers those who, up until what let’s term here “the digital era of publishing” began, had virtually complete control over what potential readers of books would be able to purchase and read. But today the writer writes in a new world of literary offerings. Gone are the days in which certain groups and/or cliques controlled the various formats of written composition. And thus, as the “literary number of middle men” continues to decrease, today the writer simply writes, and then the reader simply reads. And not everyone agrees with these new methods of “written word production.” And some are fighting against these developing trends. But those who are fighting them will fail – eventually. And most likely sooner than later the phenomenon that’s termed “publishing” will belong to readers and writers, and not to “editorial types” who, to be honest, still to this day wield significant influence – though it’s waning with each passing day. And thus, it’s into this new literary world that the book “The Clarity Zones” shall be loosed. And its words won’t apologize for what they have to say or how they’ll say it. No, instead of pandering to certain “overlords,” they’ll go on an offensive so to speak! And they’ll say what they mean! But they won’t say it as probably many will think they should. And that’s my introduction to you concerning “The Clarity Zones.” I’d guess each new chapter will appear in roughly two week intervals. And don’t expect these chapters to be well organized, though hopefully you can expect them to be well written. And it looks to me now as if anything and everything may be fair game for comment upon, or allusion to in these chapters. And who knows, as you’ll perhaps notice from this point onward in this chapter, there may even be some type of threadbare story related in this book as well. But I’m saying it may be a rather threadbare story because frankly, as I’m writing it today, no more of it has as of yet occurred than that which I shall now relate. And hopefully there will be new developments to write about concerning these matters as the weeks and chapters pass by. I work nights at the largest local factory here. That’s the one owned by Mr. Havess, who died recently by the way. And I know I’m digressing from my story here, but those of us who work there are afraid for our jobs now. We don’t know if his only child and heir, Lauren, will be able to keep the business running. Anyway, I work from 11:00 p.m. to 7:30 a.m. Normally I get home from work around 8:00 a.m., eat some breakfast, clean up, and sleep into the afternoon. Well, last week one day, after I’d arisen around 3:30, I realized I needed to do some shopping. So, I left home with my car, and as I was driving down one of our main streets here in the city, I needed to stop for a red light. After I’d sat there for a few seconds waiting for the light to change, a car pulled up alongside me in the lane to my left. I looked over to see if I might recognize the driver of the car, and I didn’t, but my God, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I saw there what I thought must have been the best looking woman I’d ever seen! The light turned green then and of course both she and I drove forward, but I was troubled! I needed, I thought, to so some “investigative work” concerning this beautiful lady. So, I slowed slightly, and pulled my car behind hers, but in the same lane she was in. And I attempted, and successfully I’m quite sure, not to make my actions conspicuous to her. And I memorized her license plate number; not that I expected that information to help me identify her. And we continued down this main street until she made a left turn, and then a right, and drove into a private driveway. Luckily for me, there were some trees planted along the street there, and I pulled over behind them. As she exited her car, I think I can truly tell you that she hadn’t noticed me, and hadn’t been aware that I’d followed her home. I jumped out of my car then and watched her walk up to her front door and enter the house. And I thought, God, I have to follow up on this. But I was satisfied then that at least I’d gotten to know where she lived. So, I drove off then, and did my shopping, and later went home. But she’s been on my mind now for several days. And if anything else concerning this matter occurs within the next two weeks, I’ll inform you of it then.
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 15:08:29 +0000

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