THE CLEVER KINGThere was a country long time ago where the people - TopicsExpress


THE CLEVER KINGThere was a country long time ago where the people would change a king every year. The person who would become the king had to agree to a contract that he would be sent to an island after his one year of being a king. So, one king finished his term & it was time for him to go to the island & live there. The people dressed him up in expensive clothes & put him on an elephant & took him around the cities to say goodbye to all the people. This was the moment of sadness for all the kings who ruled for one year. After saying goodbye, the people took the king with a boat to the remote island & left him there. On their way back, they discovered a ship that had sunk recently. They saw a young man who survived by holding on to a floating piece of wood. As they needed a new king, they picked up the young man & took him to their country. They requested him to be a king for a year. He initially refused but then agreed. People told him about all the rules & regulations & that he will be sent to an island after one year.After three days of being a king, he asked the ministers if they could show him the island where all the other kings were sent. They agreed & took him there. The island was covered with thick jungles & sounds of vicious animals were heard coming out. The king went into the island to see how it was & discovered the dead bodies of all the past kings. He understood that as soon as they were left in the island, the animals came & killed them.The king then went back to the country & requested the people to provide him with 100 strong workers. Then he took these workers to the island & told them to remove all the deadly animals & to cut down all the trees. He would visit the island every month to see how the work is progressing.In the first month, all the animals were removed & many trees were cut down. In the second month, the whole island was cleaned out. The king then told the workers to plant gardens in various parts of the island.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 17:43:54 +0000

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