THE COLLECTIVE WHITE PSYCHE The collective White psyche is - TopicsExpress


THE COLLECTIVE WHITE PSYCHE The collective White psyche is rarely, if ever examined in particular regarding their predisposition for racism and greed of power. From their positions of power, they examine and label all other races as they see fit, but rarely, if ever do they evaluate themselves or are evaluated by others. The fact is that within the collective white psyche there is a profoundly entrenched predisposition for racism that is matched only by their proclivity for deceit, greed and hunger for power. While labeling all other races as being savages they have in fact been the most brutally savage throughout history. They alone are the most arrogant and the only race predisposed to racism; all other races have been their enemies or their victims. The white race possesses a brutal history consumed by unrivaled racism, as well as unjustifiable wars and crimes against humanity. Their subjugation, murder and exploitation of all other races are unparalleled. Behavioral scientists generally agree that the outstanding characteristic of the psychopathic personality are the almost complete absence of ethical or moral development and an almost total disregard for appropriate patterns of behavior. This characteristic has led to a misunderstanding of the psychopath, i.e., a belief that they do not know the difference between right and wrong . It is untrue -- psychopaths simply ignore the concept. By ignoring this trait in the White race (the lack of ethical and moral development) Blacks have made and are still making a tragic mistake in basing the worldwide Black liberation movement on moral suasion. It is pathological for Blacks to keep attempting to use moral suasion on a people who have no morality where race is the variable. ~ Bobby E. Wright
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 04:21:06 +0000

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