THE COMING OF THE SON OF MAN (WRITTEN BY MATTHEW ON 30 AD) MATTHEW 24:29 IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE DISTRESS OF THOSE DAYS THE SUN WILL BE DARKENED, AND THE MOON WILL NOT GIVE ITS LIGHT; THE SKY WILL FALL FROM THE SKY, AND HEAVENLY BODIES WILL BE SHAKEN... Our LORD JESUS CHRIST Illustrated His point with two parables or word pictures*** how lighting strikes the EARTH and SKY and how eagles search their prey. When lighting appears in the DARKENED SKY; It is powerful surge of flashing energy and light and its piercing noise strike AWE and TERROR. In like manner, when the SON OF MAN comes it will be as clear as the LIGHTING in the HEAVENS. JESUS quoted a familiar proverb to His audience: WHERE THE BODY IS, THERE THE VULTURES WILL GATHER*** Eagles like Vultures are attracted to carrion---- DEAD or DYING PREY. If we are not spiritually alive in CHRIST, The day of JUDGEMENT will catch us unprepared to meet the LORD when He comes to separate SHEEP from GOATS and the WHEAT from WEEDS. JOB 39:29 FROM THERE HE SEEKS OUT HIS FOOD; HIS EYES DETECT IT FROM AFAR. O LORD; MAY THE DAY BRING ME JOY TO MY HEART RATHER THAN SORROW. HELP ME TO SERVE YOU FAITHFULLY AND TO MAKE THE BEST USE OF MY TIME NOW IN THE LIGHT OF YOUR COMING AGAIN IN THE NAME OF JESUS.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 18:52:21 +0000

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