THE COMPANY YOU KEEP In Proverbs 13:20, the Bible says, - TopicsExpress


THE COMPANY YOU KEEP In Proverbs 13:20, the Bible says, “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise, but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.” A woman notices that her friend was just making money, getting rich, buying cars; this was a woman who was selling palm oil before and was very poor. All of a sudden, she stopped selling palm oil; she began to buy gars and build houses. Her friend did not know what she did. So this woman began to tell her friend, “Show me the way.” That friend of hers didn’t want to tell her anything. But as she still pressurises her, her friend said, “Okay, I will take you to one baba somewhere.” And they went to this baba, and the baba said, “Are you ready to do what your friend did before she prospered?” She said, “Yes.” She didn’t ask what her friend did. She just said yes. The baba said, “Okay, no problem. Swallow this and that; take this one put it in the fridge, give it to all your children to eat and your husband. Then come back in two weeks time.” She went home with these things. Immediately it was two weeks, her first son took ill and began to roll on the floor crying “mummy, help me!” So the first person the woman called was her friend and told here about the sickness of the boy. The friend said, “But baba told you and you said you are ready to do what I did?” She said, “Ah! What did you do?” The woman now said, “Don’t you know that I lost my first son to get the money.” So, the woman now said, “Is that the kind of money? I don’t want, take me back there.” She carried her son and ran to the baba’s house and said, “Baba, I’m not doing again, I don’t want the money.” The company you keep can make and unmake you. Failure wants your company, but you would not have to go into the company of failure. You don’t have to let the failure enter through the door into you. The truth is that you become like those you’re associating with. Then as you grow in your life, your associations would change according to your maturity. You may have friends who would want you to move forward. You many have friends who want you to stay where they are. You may have friends who cannot help you to climb, but they want you to crawl. You could have friends who would choke your vision and your dream. But the bottom line is this and that’s the truth: any friend that you have that does not increase you will eventually decrease you. You have to now insinuate yourself from negative people with negative ideas. Any company that you have joined now that is assigned to pull your life down, I separate you from them in the name of Jesus .
Posted on: Wed, 19 Mar 2014 08:29:18 +0000

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