THE CONFESSIONS OF A ONCE BROKEN COACH There was a time when I - TopicsExpress


THE CONFESSIONS OF A ONCE BROKEN COACH There was a time when I performed work for far far different reasons than I do today. Back then, many years ago, it was all about the money because I felt the need to purchase things that propped up an image I wanted to portray to people around me. I wanted to prove how successful I was at an early age. I wanted to prove just how powerful a kid with only a high school education could be regardless of his circumstances. Thats what I told myself. Ultimately it was to fill a void inside myself, from outside of myself. Those were the days I was driven by and at the affect of NEEDING to be accepted. I didnt feel as if I was enough the way I was and I felt I needed to display my worthiness in the form of possessions and lifestyle. Later on I started doing the style of work I do today for a duality of reasons: 1. It felt good to do, I was inspired to do it and I was good at it 2. I admittedly loved the attention I received when clients received good results I was ok if I was witnessed as the savior. I wanted to be perceived as the reason their success and loved it when I got acknowledged as so. This thinking was ultimately flawed. It not only stunted my clients growth beyond that point, but my own growth professionally. The praise and the attention drove me because deep down I was still wrestling with the concept of feeling as if I was enough. Even though I was capable of providing transformation within their lives I was still struggling with completing my own inner journey. Enough was enough when I discovered there was no way I could perform the style of work I do today without the ability to self generate and acknowledge I was enough. Most importantly I discovered I had to have the ability to show up powerfully from a place of LOVE. For years I was motivated to do work from a place of fear. FEAR that I wasnt enough or that I couldnt BE enough. I had to PROVE I was talented enough. Smart enough. Successful enough. So I would make money, purchase stuff, and make more money to buy more stuff. Stuff that would PROVE I was all of those things. It was a vicious cycle. Theres nothing wrong with having nice things. NOTHING at all. Except for the reasons you purchase them. To compliment my energy, my space and the level of physical & mental comfort myself and those close to me experience, are reasons I choose today. Today I perform the work I do with the people I do because I choose to come from a place of LOVE. I LOVE working with brilliant people who I can learn from. People I support while they make a NEW and lasting impact with the prospects and clients in their lives. I know what it means to step into a new role as a coach and how easily it can be to perform your duties from a place of fear rather than a place of love. Placing TOO much emphasis on serving without valuing the investment prospects make is even coming from a place of fear rather than understanding and valuing fair exchange. Doing it from JUST a sense of duty is no longer an option as long as the duty is from a place of love. Charging appropriate pricing comes from a place of love because the clients who invest at high levels get faster and more sustainable results. Today Im humbled and honored to have supported, from a place of love, coaches & even niche bloggers who are beginning to make a lasting impact on their prospects lives and even a greater impact on their clients lives. You know how you are. Today I love the journey it took to get here. ALL of it. What one resists will persists. So to own and integrate all the parts it took for me to get here was the only way I knew to dissolve the fear and to begin to come from a deep place of love. I was broken open and love is finally what spilled out. As Dr. Wayne W. Dyer said in his seminal book Real Magic, If you were to cut open an orange you wouldnt get prune juice to come out. It took some time for me to discover I could choose to acknowledge the love within me that I am. But it DID happen. Altitude provides perspective. For me, altitude and new perspectives are the results of why I choose to invest at high levels in coaches, mentors, masterminds and friendships that nourish my life. Even when I felt I may not have had the money to invest. But I did choose to because I wanted to come from a place of love. You are, at the deepest levels, love. No matter what you may be experiencing in your life today. Choose love. #love #coaching
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 09:29:30 +0000

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