THE CONSCIENCE. If there is anything that needs deliverance,it is - TopicsExpress


THE CONSCIENCE. If there is anything that needs deliverance,it is the human conscience. Spiritual research have proved that the conscience or the mind has remained one of the most troubled spots in life. The conscience is not only a psychological entity,it is a spiritual entity. When powers of darkness join forces together to wage war on the conscience or the mind,it get catastrophic. Everyone has a conscience. Hence the problem of conscience is universal. The conscience has been empowered by God to act as a secret policeman to pursue and arrest you whenever you go wrong. It may not be able to hold your hands or your legs,it can agitate your mind or accuse you if you happen to be an evil doer. The conscience can trace you anywhere you are,irrespective of the activities you are carrying out. God has given the conscience the power to discern our deepest secret. The conscience has also been empowered with the ability to report you to God. In fact,you can call the conscience the spy of the Almighty(Romans2:12-15) says;For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law:and as many as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law;15Which shew the work of the law written in their hearts,their conscience also bearing witness,and their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another. The conscience is the divine Bible that is resident in every heart. Therefore,if anybody dies today without having any access to the Bible,such a person can never be excuse,he or she is a sinner because the conscience has condemn him/her. Therefore,those who do what is right shall be justified by their conscience,while those who do what is bad shall be condemned by their conscience. Josephs brothers had a conscience,they recalled the evil they have done and their conscience pricked them. When they came face to face with one whom they offended,their conscience pricked them. What happened to them was an example of what can be referred to as guilty conscience. Their conscience was not dead. However,the way things are today,the consciences of many people are completely dead. Therefore,when your conscience is still good and you decide to violate what you have been told,the conscience will bring punishment,fear,guilt,anxiety,inner turmoil,shame,depression,etc. That shows that you have a conscience that is still alive. Let me tell you at this point that,the conscience is the most effective police officer. You can never go beyond its reach. Your conscience will always find you out. You may appear very smart today,you may even do terrible things without being affected,but one of these days,your conscience will win the battle. The only thing you can do today is to cry unto God in repentance. Unfortunately,these days cry from a repentant heart is becoming a scare commodity. So called born again Christians are doing terrible things while they continue to play religion. People do not feel sorry for what they are doing. Many Christians are going into all kinds of ungodly acts and their conscience seem to be as strong as steel. Beloved,where is the conscience of the Christians? Why is it that many people have lost their tears of repentance?. If you can do evil and your conscience cannot condemn you,it shows that you have a serious problem. My prayer for you is that,you will never get to a point where the Holy Spirit will give you over to an evil conscience. Maybe the Holy Spirit has been warning you about gossiping,backbiting,laying,stealing,immorality,unfaithfulness,malice,unforgiven spirit,etc. If you continue in these things,one of these days the Holy Spirit will allow you to keep on doing what you like. The moment the dog can no longer hear the hunters whistle that dog is finished. May the Holy Spirit never give up on you.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 11:29:54 +0000

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