THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SAYING YES! Dear friends, This week’s - TopicsExpress


THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF SAYING YES! Dear friends, This week’s Parsha Consciousness is all about saying YES! Our Father Avraham ---the World’s Pillar of Chesed----implanted into us—his spiritual children, the ability to say yes to life…….yes to people, yes to challenges, yes to yourself yes to G-d! Please receive this week’s teachings with this intention in mind-----to empower yourself to say yes [even when the natural tendency is to say no]… Blessings, yitzchak Part 1----THE SEFIRA—CHESED---YES SAYING OUR SAGES [OLD AND NEW] TEACH THAT THE WORLD IS ESSENTIALLY COMPOSED OF CHESED...WHEN WE CONNECT TO CHESED, WE CONNECT TO A LIMITLESS FLOW OF ABUNDANCE….AFTER A LONG COMPARATIVE SEARCH , I’VE COME UP WITH A VERY CONCISE DEFINITION OF THE CHESED EXPERIENCE; SAYING YES LET’S EXPLORE HOW TO MAXIMIZE OUR SEFIROTIC TRAIT OF CHESED---IE…OUR ABILITY TO SAY YES AND THEREBY ACCESS SOME OF THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS THAT OUR SAGES SPOKE OF _______: 1. ACTUALIZE OUR CALLING 2. OPEN UP OUR EMOTIONAL POWERS 3. SHARE OUR LOVE WITH HASHEM AND THE WORLD AND OURSELVES 4. BECOME A MASTER GIVER 5. CONNECT WITH MANY OTHER PEOPLE THAN WE KNOW NOW 6. OPEN UP MANY NEW DOORS OF OPPORTUNITY AND ABUNDANCE 7. IMPROVE OUR RELATIONSHIPS WITH OUR SPOUSE [PRESENT ONE OR FUTURE ONE] 8. FULFILL NUMEROUS INTERPERSONAL MITZVOT 9. MAXIMIZE OUR ATTRACTIVENESS TO OTHERS AND THEIRS TO US 10.HELP BUILD A WORLD OF CHESED 11.EMULATE G-DS TRAIT OF GIVING AND BENEVOLENCE 12.SWEETEN AND MINIMIZE HARSH DECREES AND HARSH JUDGEMENTALISM 13.EXPAND CONSTRICTED CONSCIOUSNESS 14.EMULATE THE WAYS OF THE PATRIARCHS AND MATRIARCHS 15.PERPETUATE YES SAYING IN THE WORLD [WITH ALL OF THESE POWERFUL IMPACTS] 16.LEAD ALIFE FULL OF INSPIRATION 17.LIVE THE LIFE YOU LOVE AND LOVE THE LIFE YOU LIVE 18.EMPOWER YOURSELF TO CARRY OUT ANYTHING THAT YOU INTEND 19.EMPOWER OTHERS TO ACTUALIZE THEIR INTENDED GOALS 20.BECOME A BEACON OF LOVE, LIGHT, GOODNESS AND POSITIVITY So how do we say yes in life?….how can we say yes, when an inner voice keeps saying NO! The following meditation hopefully will provide a way; SAYING YES MEDITATION 1.SAFE YES SAYING Identify the ‘NO’ voice that fills your mind when you want to say YES….Ask yourself why the NO is there---What is it’s purpose? How is it coming to help you? Give thanks to Hashem for your inner NO….Acknowledge it’s benefit and it’s role in helping you out…..Now ask yourself how it would be possible to derive this same benefit by saying yes and not saying no [ie…saying Yes in a safe harmless way]…When you are convinced of a safe way of saying YES, say it and follow through, and carry on with another YES---processing it in the same way[ and another and another….etc…] 2. EMPOWERED BY THE LIST Go through the above list of 20 benefits that you can derive from saying yes….Just say them, and focus on the powerful impact that you can derive from being a yes sayer, or from just saying yes one time……Now search for one opportunity to say yes in your life that you would not normally say yes to [as opposed to a yes that is internally obstructed by an internal NO, search for a yes that would be ok]…..Fire yourself up by the impact of yes saying—and just say YES---Enjoy the power of yes saying-- -and say yes some more [where you wouldn’t normally do so] 3. FUSE WITH HASHEM’S YES Examine the ‘MAYBES’ in your life at this time---those decisions or processes that you now are dealing with, that you are presently indecisive about….Consider the possibillity that all these maybes are no longer your decisions to make, but rather, you toss them up to Hashem to decide for you….With this new perspective, what do you think Hashem would decide? Answer this question in 1 of 2 ways [or both]; A.What would Hashem decide now? B.What will Hashem decide over the next period of time….What does Divine Providence dictate ….which Maybes turn out to be NOS and which ones turn out to be YESes 4.YES -----JUST THE WAY IT IS NOW Look again at the NOS and MAYBES in your life….Say to yourself [in a sort of mantra way] that these are perfect just the way they are….Allow your mind to reveal to you how what seemed to be not ok , is actually ok…..keep this up until you find that many of the MAYBES and NOS are actually YESes
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:53:00 +0000

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